Having built a nice MPG pendant, I have fallen foul of this inability to set pins 2-9 as inputs on a second par port card issue.
This is despite being able to ensure ECP is set etc. All wiring tested perfect and if I assign signals to pins 10-13 or 15 all works perfectly ( other than being 6 inputs short)
The chipset of the card is MosChip, which one thread on CNCzone said worked and later I saw another which said it didn't, even though the card data says it supports ECP EPP etc.
I cannot simply swap plugs and reassign port numbers, using the card for my control box, and motherboard par port for the pendant.
I tried it and found that the card would not drive my Z axis properly.
There is some issue with voltages I think, plus the pendant is unbuffered and I don't really want it attached directly to my computer par port.
I have rewired a temporary fix using the 5 pins available to get X,Y,Z selection plus A and B MPG channels.
The computer is a 2.4MHz Pentium 4 with Phoenix BIOS running XP SP2. The card is recognised fully by XP and shown as working in ECP mode.
So my question is, does anyone know of a specific make and model of PCI parallel port card, available in the UK, which works using pins 2-9 as inputs with Mach?
A specific supplier who stocks them would be good too.