I hope this jpg arrives, TPS. My computer, running Windows XP, is dedicated to Mach3 and is attached to the CNC via circuitry as per attached jpg. Each of the x,y and z axis stepper motors has 5 wires, blue, green, red, black, white and brown; each motor plugged via a 5 wire plug into a 'Motor' connector into the circuit board. Each US digital E2 optical kit encoder has 5 wires, red, green, bare, white and black, plugged into a 5 wire 'Encoder' connector. The limit switches are plugged in via a connector with red and blue wires. The circuit board is connected to a power supply via two white plugs, one with two green wires and the other with a black and green wire. The circuit board is connected to the computer via a 25 pin Parallel port cable to the computer's printer port.
The TIP120 transistor connecting the X axis motor's black wire to the PIC16F84A-201/P microchip has failed twice, while the transistor connecting the X axis motor's red wire to the microchip was not installed but loose in the circuit box. A friend soldered it onto the board. I did not know that one transistor was not installed till after the first failure. The burnt out transistor was replaced with a new one and the other was soldered in, and the machine ran well for a day when the new black wire transistor burnt again. All motors run well on the Y and Z channels, but the X channel is ratz. I think new circuitry would be required but I do not really know what to do next. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.