That sounds like it's going to work well, are you looking for another 2 it sounds like you only have one at the moment?
Yes, only one at the moment. Partly budget, partly I wished to establish how it works in practice. I may well for instance require a gear
reduction, in which case I really want to know BEFORE spending more money.
Do you know much about smooth stepper boards, I would like to get a better quality break out board and smoother stepper like the Warp9 ess one. With this i presume I can use a more modern computer with windows 10 and use the Ethernet port and drop the parallel port?
I'm presuming the pc connects to the smooth stepper with the Ethernet cable then the smooth stepper to the break out board with a parallel cable?
I've used an Ethernet SmoothStepper (by Warp9TD, don't be fooled by a Chinese ripoff) and Mach4 for five years, highly recommended. Yes you can use just about
any PC you like including laptops and 64 bit OS's including Windows 10 which were precluded by Machs parallel port.
Yes you hook one (or up to three) parallel port boards by parallel cable to the ESS.
C10 breakout boards at $23.00 each are a cheap option. They are bi-directional. Note they do not have any relays, PWM output or opto-isolated inputs. If you want
those you have to add the handful of electronics parts to do so OR buy a more sophisticated board. I use Homann Design MB2's (from Australia) which are very similar
to the C10, ie bi-diectional, no PWM, relays or opto-isloated inputs. They are very flexible.
CNCRoom do a three port board (MB03 approx $180) especially for the ESS, all ports are developed but require you stick with the circuit arrangements and pin-out choices
made by the manufacturer. You lose some flexibility, on the other hand you get a quality, sophisticated and complete breakout board solution in one hit.
When I transitioned from a parallel port, with which I'd had great success, to the ESS, I able to increase my G0 axis speed by 33% without losing steps and run a little
cooler. I had not expected that smoother more consistent pulses that you get with an ESS would have been that significant....but it was. As far as I am concerned the parallel port
is for those on a budget or those who just aren't bothered about a lesser standard of performance.