Hi Marky88,
I have been wanting to swap out my steppers for servos for a while. I have just (10 minutes ago) ordered a Delta B2
series 400W servo, drive and cables, price $460USD including shipping to New Zealand. I still have to pay 15% tax
when it enters the country so will cost $872NZD by the time I get it.
When I built my machine I bought secondhand 23size 5 phase Vexta steppers with low lash (less that 3 arc min) 10:1
planetary drives. Despite the small motors the 10:1 reduction means I get great torque, just over 700 oz.in. They drive
directly a 20mm diameter 5mm pitch ground ballscrew which gives a stall thrust of over 1400kg force or 14kN.
The only downside is the gear reduction means its slow, I have them tuned for 1200mm/min. I can get them to do 2000mm/min
but I have to run them at max current (1.4A per phase) and they get hotter than I like. So I run them at 1.1A per phase.
The vagaries of 5 phase steppers is that four phases are energized at any one time so 1.4A phase rated is equivalent to 2.8A
in a 2 phase stepper. At reduced current and consequent less torque I've found that 1200-1500 mm/min is reliable.
At 1200mm/min the ballscrew rotates at 240 rpm and so the stepper is rotating at 2400 rpm. You might ask 'can a stepper
do that speed' given the nature of this thread. 5 phase steppers are a bit specialist. Among the advantages they have over regular
two phase steppers is smooth operation without the vibration propensity of two phase steppers, high speed operation
and 500 full steps per revolution compared to 200 full steps per revolution for a two phase stepper.
The drivers I use are specialist Vexta 5 phase drivers. They don't require a power supply, you wire them directly to 230VAC.
I have measured a peak output voltage at the stepper of 150VDC. So you can see that Vexta drives have a very high voltage output
which goes a long way to secure the high speeds that can get.
Even secondhand the steppers and drives were not cheap, $278USD each plus shipping for the motor and gearbox and $147USD
each plus shipping for the drivers.
These steppers have been absolutely superb....once I had them tuned they never missed a step (except when I crash!) and I get
repeatable resolution of 1um. They have been so good I don't think I'll sell them....I'm so impressed with them. I'm sure I'll
find other uses for them. Of course I've only ordered one servo so far...I'll have to save a few more pennys before I can
buy another two!