no not quite.
First just to make sure go to Config/Select Native Units and make sure that mm is selected. You should not thereafter have to touch this setting.
Your 'steps per unit' should be easy enuf to calculate. The question is how many pulses does Mach have to issue in order for the axis to shift 1mm?
The pitch of the lead screw is 2mm per revolution, so 1mm movement of the axis requires the lead screw turn 1/2 a revolution. With a 2:1 belt
reduction the motor must turn one revolution, ie 1600 microsteps. Enter 1600 in the 'steps per' box.
We have already done the calculation for maximum speed, set that at 900mm/min, and in no case more than 937.5 mm/min. Recommend the acceleration
be kept deliberately very low. Once you've got things sorted then you start increasing it until it faults and the back off a bit. Start with accel at 180mm/sec/sec.
When you exit motor tuning do so with <SAVE AXIS SETTINGS>. Probably need to restart Mach to have the new settings take effect.
Now you need to test that axis. Let us know how you get on.