it sounds like you steppers are just operating at their maximum. Can you post some pics of your machine? I'm wondering if its so heavy
that in effect the steppers are to small. The speed and particularly the acceleration look very low, should be easy going for them.
There is still the possibility that the PC is intermittently stopping. It only needs to stop or pause for a few milli seconds and when it starts
again the motor has already slowed to the extent that it can't accelerate back to speed and therefore stalls with a squeal. Not quite
sure how to go about either proving or disproving that yet.
There was at one time a document floating around the forum that had a whole list (30-40 items) of things that you could set/disable/remove
from you PC to have it operate well under parallel port. Your PC is not a laptop is it? Parallel ports were always a bit picky about the PC.
One possibility is to get away from the parallel port altogether and use an external motion controller. They are very much more tolerant
of different PCs. It would of course require you buy another board. Good ones, don't go near the Chinese crap, start at $120. The ESS suchas
I have is $180. Does your budget allow for that sort of investment?