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Setup Edge finder with pokeys
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2014, 04:06:59 AM »
Hi Matevz,

When I get home from work today, I am going to do a complete reinstallation of Mach3 and the pokeys plug-in and start over from there.
I did the update to version 3.1.6 and it looks like everything is ok in the I/O mapping tab of the plug-in, but on the mach diagnostic screen all the led's of the limit switches and probe are flashing except for the X+ limit switch. I'll post a picture of my controlbox and the wiring, so you can see how I set up everything hardware wise. Maybe you can see something wrong there.

Thanks again for your input!



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Re: Setup Edge finder with pokeys
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2014, 06:01:36 PM »
Hi Matevz,

well reïnstalled everything, at first same problem appeared with the limit and probe switches.
In the plugin I/O tab all good signals again, but on the Mach diagnostics screen 2 switches not registering and all the rest are blinking.
So I started deleting all the input pin settings on the plugin mapping tab/deselecting everything in the pulse engine tab. Completely clearing the Pokeys mapping tab of all pin inputs.
Then resetting the pin values in the Pulse engine tab. So far so good. All looking well, even the limit switches are operating correctly.
But then I looked at the diagnostic screen again, and this showed blinking leds again. But like I said the limit switches are working.
However the probe input still has a problem. When I invert the pin in the pulse engine tab, I seems more stable, but not stable enough to work for the probeing function.
I made some foto's of my control box and the wiring, I'll send a text file of the check config option in the operator tab. I'll send you an e-mail with all the foto's and videos I made of the diagnostics screen.
Hope this is another step closer to find the solution to the problem.
I'm sending you an e-mail to the address I got of your internet site.



Offline NeoTO

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Re: Setup Edge finder with pokeys
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2014, 02:04:20 AM »
Hi, Tom

From the pictures you sent, I can't really see whether you have ground (-) of power supply output, stepper drivers and PoKeys connected together. If ground is not properly connected, things won't work and even damage to the device may occur.
Moreover, do you have any other plugins installed (the screen by itself doesn't look original)?

Regards, Matevz
« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 02:08:17 AM by NeoTO »
www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope
Setup Edge finder with pokeys
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2014, 02:31:44 AM »
Good morning!

The screen set is the machblue screenset, downloaded it from the artsoft website.
All the indications you see in the video are the same in the standard screen set. I will make a drawing of the wiring schematic and post it or mail it to you later today. However, it seens to me there is a difference beteren the way pokeys plug-in sees the inputs and communicates these to the mach software. As you can see in the video, the plug-in's I/O mapping tab shows good inputs and than the mach diagnostic screen shows something different.

I'll try to get the schematic over to you as soon as possible!



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Setup Edge finder with pokeys
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2014, 02:34:40 AM »
By the way despite the blinking led's in the diagnostic screen the limit switches are operating the way they should. It's the probe input that is not functioning correctly.



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Re: Setup Edge finder with pokeys
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2014, 10:57:00 AM »
Hi, Tom

Do you have anything configured for limits and probing input in the Port & Pins configuration of Mach3? There should be no configuration there. Namely, if PoKeys diagnostic screen shows solid IO states, then there must be something overwriting the Mach3 ones...

The video you sent is blurry and it is difficult to see anything. Were you actuating the probe input during the video or did you left it untouched? Did you try any other pin?

www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope
Setup Edge finder with pokeys
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2014, 03:17:58 AM »
Hi Matevz,

Yes I was opening and closing the circuit on the probe in the video.
I have not made any changes in the mach ports&pins tab. Configured everything through pokeys plug-in. Like you suggested I cleared all the pin settings via Pokeys application and after a clean installation of Mach3 set everything up again in the pokeys plug-in. I did notie however after clearing the pins settings through Pokeys app, that some pin settings were showing up as red(pin input sensed?) and others remind black( no input). I checked If the inverse box was checked for those pins. But that was not the case for all of the pins. I setup everything in Mach again, the probe function looked ok, so I downloaded the addon by craftycnc as mentioned by mrprecise in his first comment in this post and ran a test. The probe function is working now. However the limit switches don't work as they should. In the plug-in I/O state tab pins 24 through 29 don't show as connected, eventhough I selected these in the pulse engine tab. Pins 33 through to 38 do show up as connected and are green. Pin 33 still in use as probe, so thats ok. Tonight I'm going to rewire the limit switches to other pins, to try to isolated If the problem is there.
Did you take a look at the sketch I sent you? Did you see anything I need to change in the way I wired everything?



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Offline NeoTO

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Re: Setup Edge finder with pokeys
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2014, 10:45:09 AM »
Hi, Tom

To keep the conversation clean, I will be answering to your email directly (it is hard to discuss on the same matter on two channels at the same time).

www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope