I did a search on my new Z axis problem and found a post you commented on Hood.
your post
"Ok if you move lower left lower corner and Z fully up and then press RefAll button the Machine coords should zero. That is the only way you can zero the machine coords, well it can be done in VB but .... Anyway if the machine coords do not zero then you may have one or two things wrong, both are on Homing and Limits page (from Config menu) Make sure you have the Auto Zero option chosen and secondly make sure you do not have a value set in Home Off box.
Then for your soft limits you want X and Y Min and Z Max set as 0 and X and Y Max and Z Min set to their respective axis travels, Z being a negative value.
You should then be able to jog to lower left corner and when you press RefAll the machine coords will zero and you should now be able to use Soft Limits." end of your post.
My problem is almost the same as in this guys post. When I hit ref all to get rid of the red outline on the axis boxes and make them green thus getting a successful machine coordinate setup, My Z axis just keeps going and is still going. I decided to take the pinion gear off because it chatters and will probably destroy my axis, to see if it ever stops but its still spinning as I'm typing for at least three minutes now seemingly to no end. I have my homing and limits set up just as you described. There is no value in Home off box, and auto zero is checked. Both X and Y axis will go to home as there instructed to lower left, but the Z axis will just keep on going. Z axis is set at soft max 0.00 and soft min set to -8.00 even though i have about 9 inches of travel on the Z axis. As you can see my soft limit setup, check out the DRO on the Z axis its at 1,687 and still going.