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Author Topic: Spindle  (Read 2570 times)

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« on: July 16, 2013, 09:37:05 PM »
Hi Guy's
Need some help.
I am helping a friend hook up a spindle through Mach 3. He has purchased a C6 Variable Speed Control board and a parallel board from CNC4PC. We have installed the parallel board and loaded drivers. No problems. We have wired the C6 to the VFD. I can turn on the output I assigned in the control software, but cannot get the C6 to turn on. I am assuming that the Step and Direction pins have to match the Step and Direction ports. I have 1.05 volts from ground on Terminals Step, Dir.CW and EN CCW  on the C6  coming from the Parallel port. I have 12 Volts on power supply to the C6. I again am assuming when you put in a RPM and toggle the Spindle, it should turn one of the Relays CW or CCW and output a voltage from the 0-10V terminals to the VFD. I cannot get anything from the C6. Am I missing a step? I installed the Parallel output board per the instructions on the disk for Windows XP 32 bit. That is what is on the Computer that is running the MACH 3 Software. Everything loaded no problem.

I hope I have explained this well enough to get some ideas.
Re: Spindle
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2013, 05:40:49 PM »
OK scrap the first post! Found out I needed a breakout board to buffer the voltage.
Now I have a C10 from CNC4PC Parallel Port Interface Card hooked into the Parallel Port. I need to wire it up to the C6 Variable Speed Control Board also from CNC4pc. I have the VFD wiring figured out but need help with wiring the C10 to the C6. Instructions are not very plain. Can anybody help me with this? Has anybody had to do this?