Hello CNC world. I'm new to CNC and this is my first conversion. I bought a mini x2 and used it as a manual mill until I could save up to convert it to a CNC mill. Well I have everything installed, wired, downloaded, but I cannot get motor movement. I am guessing my issue is which pins to assign to what. I have been searching for 5 days online and on this forum but I am still stuck. I looked at the mach3 tutorial videos, the first one that reads "installation and basic configuration" and according to this, I just need to go to config>ports and pins> motor outputs. Then enable my X,Y,Z axis, set STEP pin# to 2,4,6 and DIR pin# 3,5,7 which is how I have them on the BOB. Then go and work on the Estop so mach3 will get out of emergency when I press the RESET button. After this, the video shows going to motor tuning and being able to get movement after moving the vel and acc around and continuing to adjust the vel and acc according to how the motor movement sounds. Does this sound right? Should I be getting movement with these few steps or is there more to it? Jog mode is ON as well which I read was the issue in not getting movement from the arrow keys for some.I have also found docs that show the input and output signals, which I wouldn't know where to start to assign them, but I was thinking that since I'm using an ESS I don't need these or my settings are different since I'm not using the computers PP, which it doesn't have. On mach3, the x and y axis move when I press the arrow keys but the motors don't move.Any help would be greatly appreciated.