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Author Topic: Digispeed not working  (Read 25253 times)

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2012, 05:02:11 AM »
You need to go to the motor config tab and set the spindle step to Active low
Homann Designs
email: peter at homanndesigns.com

Offline otpco

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #31 on: March 29, 2012, 05:08:25 AM »
thanks again . any ideas why I cant get a sig through the BOB to my Rutex .How may I test it ? sorry for being a pain

Offline Katoh

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #32 on: March 29, 2012, 06:37:50 AM »
Were did you take the connection from to the Rutex, Directly behind the the input were the Parallel port connects is the output, did you go from there? Have you got the pins assigned correctly?
The way I work it it should be a direct connection between input and output. I will have a bit of a play with mine tonight and see how we go.
Thanks Peter for the Info, trying to work and children and every thing else leaves not much time for this, but Ill test as soon as I can. You have being a big help so far.

Offline otpco

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2012, 08:46:00 PM »
Peter is the bob or can the bob pass sig through pins 1 to 13 ? I need to not change these and still have the digi working . Just about reaching the end of my teather on this one . I have a parallel port in and out .I use pins 1 to 13 to run my Rutex 990 boards if I connect the two together it works the rutex .but cant get it to work through the board .I believe its jumper related .or have I got the wrong parts to make this work . I am finding the documentation confusing to say the least
Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #34 on: March 30, 2012, 07:42:51 AM »
Pins 10,11,12,13 are inputs on the parallel port. They can't be used as outputs. So why are you trying to use them as inputs?

BTW, which part of the manual is confusing?


Homann Designs
email: peter at homanndesigns.com

Offline otpco

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #35 on: March 30, 2012, 11:19:57 AM »
Oh dear . The rutex uses a parallel port pins 1 to 13 for its inputs . there is a parallel port plug on the board .  I don't see how I can change it . The rutex works if I plug it into the plug and the digi works if I plug it into the plug . but I cant get the rutex to work if I wire from the bob to the rutex . now this is very badly written .  I have it working sort of by making a cable with two plugs on one end and one on the other . It is a dogs breakfast but it works I was hoping for a better solution . thanks peter .
Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2012, 06:27:08 PM »
I'm sorry, I can't understand what you are trying to do.

When you say you want to pins 1-13 as inputs to the rutex board, what does that mean? inputs from the outside world? Or from the parallel port. I thought you were wanting to use pins 10-13 as outputs.

In Mach3 terminology, I now have no idea whether you want to use the lines 1-13 as inputs to mach3 or outputs.

How about drawing a schematic of what you want to do. You need to provide a bit more detail so be are working from the same reference.


Homann Designs
email: peter at homanndesigns.com

Offline Katoh

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2012, 07:39:40 PM »
Hi Peter
I beleive I might be able to explain what otpco wants to do.
From the computer he has connected directly to the MB02V6 board that drives his digispeed. He needs to then run a the cable from there to his Rutex board to drive the axis motors and what ever else runs from his rutex board.  Originally he had a CNC4PC board were the DB25 cable plugged into the board and had an output on the other side which went to his rutex board.
What he has tried to do is use Pins 1-13 on the MB02V6 and connect them directly to the rutex board but is unable to get his axis motors to work.
I believe his question is can he use those pins to the Rutex board to give the same signals out from mach, he can get the rutex board working if he uses the IDC-26 Header but his wiring has become very messy and wishes to tidy everything up.
If the helps.
Thanks Katoh
Sorry I have run out of time lately to do any more testing on my lathe, family commitments.

Offline otpco

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2012, 09:50:35 AM »
 Thanks Katoh yes thats what I would like to do . Hope Peter will be along soon to Bail me out again .
Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #39 on: April 04, 2012, 05:46:17 PM »

I've been waiting for you to provide a schematic or clear description of what you are trying to do. I do not understand what you mean by output or inputs

Can you provide a schematic (hand drawn is ok) similar to the schematics in my engineering notes of what you are trying to do?


Homann Designs
email: peter at homanndesigns.com