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Author Topic: Digispeed not working  (Read 24732 times)

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Offline Katoh

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2012, 09:01:01 AM »
hi Peter,
Its not really needed to have reverse on the lathe but I just purchased a project mill as well.
Well I re-wired to your drawing and nothing has changed. I used pin 16 to sig and 8 and 9 as M3 and M4. still no matter what cannot getthe relays to work?
Ideas please.
Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2012, 04:39:01 PM »

Can you provide me with the following,
1. an image or description of the jumper settings on the DC-03
2. an image or description of the jumper settings on the MB-02
3. a screen capture of the Mach3 Motor outputs setting tab
4. a screen capture of the Mach3 Motor outputs setting tab
5. a screen capture of the Mach3 outputs setting tab
6. a screen capture of the Mach3 spindle setting tab

From that I should be able to get you on the right track.

So, is it only the relays you are struggling with, or do you also have problems with the Speed control as well?


Homann Designs
email: peter at homanndesigns.com

Offline Katoh

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2012, 06:31:25 PM »
Again thanks for the quick reply. I will try and get those out tonight for you.
I am trying to work through things one at a time for now. Firstly the relays and once I get the relays to switch I will then power up the VFD and see if I can get the variable 0-10v voltage to work.

Offline Katoh

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2012, 07:12:22 PM »
Hi Peter
I went through it again last night to make sure my wiring and settings are correct and still found nothing.
The jumpers as set according to your schematics both
Both the BOB are the same but one jumper at the top is different so I tried both positions.
Here are my screen shots.

Offline otpco

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2012, 07:51:52 AM »
I have been reading some of the old posts now dont even know my own name . Peter will be along to save us I hope .I cant see anything will walk away for a while and come back to it

Offline Katoh

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2012, 08:48:11 AM »
I reckon its just something we are overlooking with the MB02V6 boards, as I can get, and have got the darn things running with the other boards, as you well know.

Should have added on earlier post Pin 16 is connect to Sig on the DC03 and Pin 8 is to RL1 pin 9 to RL2.
5v and 0v come from the BOB as per drawings and the BOB has its own seperate 5v power supply.

Offline otpco

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2012, 05:38:09 PM »
I will take that thaught to me to work along with the drawings and notes .we will beat this
Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2012, 10:07:12 PM »
I reckon its just something we are overlooking with the MB02V6 boards, as I can get, and have got the darn things running with the other boards, as you well know.

Should have added on earlier post Pin 16 is connect to Sig on the DC03 and Pin 8 is to RL1 pin 9 to RL2.
5v and 0v come from the BOB as per drawings and the BOB has its own seperate 5v power supply.

Spent the weekend doing kids sport.  OK a couple of things.

In  EN012V3, the MB-02 is set up for positive logic on outputs 1,14,16,17(JP4)  and negative logic on pins 2-9 (JP7).
In  EN012V3, the DC-03 is set up for positive logic (JP2)

Since you are driving the two relays from pins 8 and 9 which are set up for negative logic, I'd suggest using negative logic for the DC-03 as well. So,
1. On the MB-02 change  the jumper on JP7 to  the 5V end.
2. On the DC-03 change JP2 end with the v pointing arrow.
3 on the Mach3 outputs tab, tick the active low column for output 1 and output 2.
4.on the motor outputs tab tick the active low for the spindle tab

Also in your motor outputs you have pin 1 controlled by your spindle dir output. What is pin 1 actually connected to? If it's not connected to anything then that's fine, otherwise set the port for Spindle dir to port 0 as your not using it.

Once you have set that up tellme what the DC-03 relay leds are doing?



Homann Designs
email: peter at homanndesigns.com

Offline Katoh

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Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2012, 01:41:39 AM »
Hi Peter
these were my findings after doing what you said, on the DC03 the first light was had a fast flash, on both relay 1 and 2 were on. Commands through mach made no difference to the relays at all.
So I tried a bit of reverse engineering, firstly checked inputs and I can get inputs back to mach, limits, E-stop work inputs, so port is working. I re- wired again so I use the outputs 14,16, 17 ,If I manually send a signal to the digispeed relays work both ways if on they will switch off, if off they will switch on. So the DCo3 is working, but some were the signal is not getting from the breakout board out to the digispeed. Being a twin parallel port setup with 2 Bobs I will try the other, If the other does the same is must be the settings on the BOB.
I have tried every configuration known Active high/low jumpers in one position then another, it is getting frustrating now.
Re: Digispeed not working
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2012, 01:54:42 AM »
Hi Katoh,

The leds on the breakout board help by showing you what Mach3 is doing to the parallel port lines.

If the LEDs on the BoB do not turn on or off as expected, then mach3 is not controlling the pins as expected. If that's the case, then the DC-03 will not work as expected either.

Can you take a photo of the MB-02V6 Bob and the DC-03V3 so I can see what jumper settings you have?


Homann Designs
email: peter at homanndesigns.com