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Author Topic: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn  (Read 147589 times)

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Offline budman68

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Re: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn
« Reply #160 on: October 10, 2012, 12:36:43 PM »
Well if there is still interest then I will pick the project back up. Anyone know what it would take to become a beta tester for Mach4? I really would like to make this work on future versions as well. As far as the health issues. That was my brother. He was diagnosed with cancer and I am happy to say they tell him he is cured. :)

Excellent, great for your brother AND for you  ;)

Just because I'm a Global Moderator, don't assume that I know anything !

Dave->    ;)
Re: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn
« Reply #161 on: October 11, 2012, 08:39:28 AM »
It's always great when someone beats that disease ...glad to hear it  :)  As for the screen, I swear every time I turn on my Emco 120p, I can hear it whisper to me .."please finish that great screen, Wes" ;D


Offline DMBGO

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Re: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn
« Reply #162 on: March 28, 2013, 08:48:24 PM »
"Well if there is still interest then I will pick the project back up"

This I think was your last post Wes. There is, even now a fair bit of interest in this screenset.....

Re: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn
« Reply #163 on: March 28, 2013, 09:01:20 PM »
« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 09:03:25 PM by Ya-Nvr-No »

Offline DaOne

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Re: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn
« Reply #164 on: April 08, 2013, 01:16:08 AM »
Sorry guys been too swamped to even mess with this stuff. Anyone here able to write macros and such that they would like to continue the project as a joint effort? All the building blocks are in place and I feel all the framework is in place. I am just way too time limited to do this on my own. I was hoping to get some time to work on this but hobbies have to take a back seat to putting food on the table.  Please let me know those of you who might be interested.

Offline DMBGO

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Re: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn
« Reply #165 on: April 08, 2013, 03:59:41 AM »
Hi Wes, thanks for the update.
I will  have a bit of time in about 6 weeks or so. When I return from a long awaited holiday. I am keen to work alongside you and continue your good work, since the concept impressed me greatly at the time. I will send you a message when I get back.




Offline RICH

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Re: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn
« Reply #166 on: April 08, 2013, 06:36:56 AM »
Anyone here able to write macros and such that they would like to continue the project as a joint effort?
And then what, sell it?


Offline DaOne

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Re: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn
« Reply #167 on: April 08, 2013, 02:42:18 PM »
Well here is the issue at hand. I was hoping to make a little $ for the massive amount of time I put into this. To be honest I thought about just releasing it as a screenset for a few bucks without the IPS system as it is for the most part done. Instead of going this route maybe I will just post all the files here and let others continue the project on the fact that if they like it and feel it was worth something they could send me some beer $ :)  as well as post the updates they have made. I really wish I had the time to finish it but I just don't see that happening any time soon. My inbox fills up constantly with questions on this project and I feel its a waste to just let it sit since there seams to be allot of interest. Let me know your thoughts.

Offline RICH

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Re: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn
« Reply #168 on: April 08, 2013, 09:54:24 PM »
Been a few years since the start of it, but, an unfinished screen set without some new interface and additions dosen't seem to make sense paying for it.
Just my honest thoughts so don't take it personal. If your going to charge for it then it has to be worth it to the user.

The original intent, way back whenever, was to provide an improved screen set for the lathe. That effort went by the way side and then you chose to
to go on your owne. As you know it takes a lot of work and time.
If it is yours then you get all that goes with it. If you share it, maybe it will develop more, maybe it will die....hard to tell. 

As far as myself, I purchased Dolphin for the lathe after waiting years for something to come about and still use a slightly  modfied screen set.


Offline DaOne

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Re: New IPS (Interactive Programming System) Professional Screen for Turn
« Reply #169 on: November 10, 2013, 07:57:23 PM »
Not sure if there is still interest in this project or not since Mach4 is right around the corner (then again it was in 2011 as well)? I have moved on to LinuxCNC for good so completing this screenset on my watch is not gonna happen. I still get many emails and private messages asking about this so I figure the best way to handle it is to release it into the wild "as is" for others to build off of. All I ask is you attach my name to the credits if you re-release it, it to be kept public domain (do not charge for my work) and finally if you do make something of it please drop me a line on your progress.  I am attaching the last installer I made as well as all the decrypted scripts. 

-Wes Treihaft