Finally got the spindle working, turns out the damn inverter was faulty....go figure!
Ok so here is the long awaited g-code file and xml files, including a pic of our smooth stepper config file.
I installed smooth stepper today but haven't really had time to set it up properly. Not really sure what I did wrong as everything is fine except the DRO's that's being displayed while cutting are totally wrong.
Sadly as soon as I switch on the spindle smooth stepper clicks off..... just when I got the damn spindle to work in mach3 haha.
Anyways, one problem at a time I guess.
All we basically want to know is how fast does the attached g-code cut on your setup,using the default feed of the g-code, so that we can compare it against ours.
If possible, run it with normal Mach3 and also with Smooth Stepper.
Thanks again for all the help