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Author Topic: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!  (Read 55564 times)

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Re: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2011, 02:36:59 PM »
and the most worring of all is it's can't cut corners!!! instead of cutting a perfect what ever degree corner it goes to far into the corner where corner sharpening was applied and jabs a piece out of the material leaving a half moon shape were the corner was suppose to be... I rest my case.

"Corner Sharpening" .... or as SheetCam calls it "Overcut Corners" will do exactly as you are describing when pocketing or cutting an inside corner on a profile.
This allows a sharp cornered object to be inserted into the pocket that would otherwise have a radius in the corner = to the radius of the cutter.
Vectric uses a "Dogbone Fillet" or something like that.
This allows you to put a square cornered peg into a square hole.
.... if I understand you correctly.
Re: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2011, 02:49:51 PM »
One more thing, the Z axis sometimes moves DOWN instead of up when we hit zero all axis, now come the hell on, what the hell man!?!? I can't baby the damn machine ahole day, if I punch in a command I expect it to follow it now only follow it some times?!?! how can a person work like that?

oh, before I forget, the Spindle only start up 75% time.

These sound like hardware troubles. What comes to mind is bad connections on the DIRECTION signal to the Z drive and spindle forward.

Does the DRO for the Z axis confirm the spindle is going down instead of up when you hit REF ALL HOME? I am assuming you mean REF ALL HOME since ZERO ALL AXIS should cause no moment.

Re: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2011, 02:58:34 PM »
QUOTE "One more thing, the Z axis sometimes moves DOWN instead of up when we hit zero all axis, "

In addition to what Darek says, if you are meaning "Go to Zeros", then Mach will move to PROGRAM zero which could very well be DOWN from the current position of the Z axis.
Just a thought,
Re: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2011, 05:24:48 AM »
Can you attach your xml, it will be found in the main Mach3 folder and have the name of the profile you are loading (see lower right of screen in Mach) You use the additional options button in the reply page to attach and likely you will have to rename before you attach as the forum only accepts a file name once.

Thx Hood,
I had a look and found it:P I'll try and attach it now. PLEASE see whats wrong with it!!
Re: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2011, 05:32:28 AM »
 I'm use to working on a HAAS so when I say Zero all I mean home all axis on the new machine. The Corner Sharping is something else, we have the right softwear to do corner sharping, it's the machine that's messing it us for some reason. The machine as a really BIG Gremlin..

HillBilly, using big words is not helping;) -  but I'll make a note of it and ask the ppl that put the heap of crap together if they know the awnser to that, thx!

The Machine should have a defualt HOME position, if the spindle is to high it'll move down to that position, that position is not inside my freaken table! It should always move to like a midway between max and min z position. Thx for the help guys! Much appresiated!!!

Offline Hood

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Re: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2011, 06:01:01 AM »
Ok first thing I see is you have the kernel set to 100KHz on Ports and Pins (from Config tab) Your motor tuning seems to require 39KHz as the most for an axis so set it to 45KHz and restart Mach. Some computers can run 100KHz kernel but if you dont need it then it is better to lower to what you need.

You have an A axis home switch enabled but no A axis  set up so best to disable the A axis home switch in Ports and Pins, Inputs.

Your Z home switch is set Active Low where the rest are Active High, this may be correct but if the switches are the same it would be more than likely that your Z would be the same active state. To check go to Diagnostics page and see if the M3Home is lit when you are not on the switch, if it is then change the active state.

One other thing that might be worth doing at the moment is load the standard Mach screen, you are using a custom screen presumably supplied by the manufacturers and this may be causing issues if its not configured correctly. Not saying it is that way but loading the standard one is always a good idea when trouble shooting.

Re: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2011, 06:27:20 AM »
eeeck, sounds complicated Hood!!! Ok, I guess I can do the 1st 3 suggestions but I'm not sure about changing the Mach Screen, will that not require me ( builders of machine ) to setup what each button does on the screen or does it remember what each button is suppose to do?

Offline Hood

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Re: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2011, 06:33:15 AM »
No, all it needs you to do is go to View menu then Load Screens. It should open the main Mach3 folder and you should see 1024.set there, double click on it and after a second or so the standard screen will open. If you dont have that screenset (possible if its a totally custom Mach install) then shout and I will attach one for you to save to the Mach3 folder.

Re: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2011, 06:40:54 AM »
OoO, sweet, so it works like a "skin" - I'll do that as soon as we finished cutting the slots in the vacuum table, thx again Hood!
Re: Mach3 Problems - Rant!!
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2011, 07:39:26 AM »
I've manadged to take a picture with my cell phone and using a 10x zoom eye glass to show the problem we are having with corner sharping. It's only the one corner were the program used corner sharping. It's were the Z lifts up and comes down into the corner, for some reason it's going to far into it. Might it be the z callibration?