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Author Topic: My Two Cents  (Read 24670 times)

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Re: My Two Cents
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2006, 08:44:53 PM »
Yes I did, we are trying to create a local help group. something I hope will catch on here and go international. I am in the process of setting a meet and greet with him real soon. You are right, a one to one is just what I need. But don"t stop offering insight and assistance, I greatly need it, OK. You have been one of my only sources for quality information. Thank you, really.


Re: My Two Cents
« Reply #31 on: January 04, 2006, 11:32:49 PM »
String also let Brian know that they are powering up part of the controls with power from the USB port he may be able to use the 5v to power up the C10 board instead of having to add in the extra power supply. Let me know if yall need anything. (:~)= Terry