Well, it seems I've jumped in to cnc with my eyes closed, I mean to say, I thought it would be fairly easy to set up a small commercial machine. How wrong I am. I seem to be needing an endless list of items, and I don't think I'm finished buying stuff. Nobody I've worked with, in shops that have cnc machines, ever mentioned anything about breakout boards, MPG's, ModBus (what is that) or that pump thing I keep seeing. So, I purchase Mach 2, then upgrade to Mach 3. I have a screen that doesn't have buttons for Machine Co-Ord's or any of the ones next to it, only the LED's. I get the screen builder and find an empty window with a dropdown box with buttons that show me stuff I can't seem to use. I've been through the PDF manual, and can't understand half of the information contained therein. Oh My God, what have I gotten myself into this time!!!! I'm sorry for this rant but I think I really need some step by step help and advise. Is anyone interested in taking on a real green nooby?