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Messages - Smackre

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Pendant Control
« on: June 08, 2006, 02:45:40 PM »
i did not see a file in there mach3screen.exe

General Mach Discussion / Re: Pendant Control
« on: June 08, 2006, 02:37:37 PM »
Well i dled that file.  Ran it and tried to open the 1024 file.  And it just kept erroring out.  So i tried the keygrabber method.  It works but it seems like you half to open keygrabber ever time you restart the computer.  I have my computer setup to open mach3 soon as windows turns on.  Just to make it simple on the operator.  Is there a way to make it so keygrabber opens?  i can make it open the program but unless you then minimize keygrabber it dont work.  Is there a way to make it open its self then minimize.  I just dont wanna half to open keygrabber ever time i turn the machine on.  Seems like a hassle.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Pendant Control
« on: June 08, 2006, 01:38:04 PM »
I dont see screen4 file in my mach folder.  Any suggestions? 

General Mach Discussion / Re: Pendant Control
« on: June 08, 2006, 07:31:27 AM »
how do you change the hotkeys in mach3 brian?  i have only found hotkeys for joging the menu

General Mach Discussion / Re: Relay
« on: June 07, 2006, 10:46:05 PM »
well i think i may of fixed the issue.  but i havent had time to go long testing.  i had the 110v cable right beside the cables for the relay.  i think it was causeing the problems.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Pendant Control
« on: June 07, 2006, 10:42:58 PM »

The joystick model. 

I asked them and they said it wasnt possable to change what each botton did.  but im sure there is a way you just half to know how to change it in the driver or something.  Or if you can switch f5 and +&- keys in mach3 maybe?

General Mach Discussion / Pendant Control
« on: June 07, 2006, 01:45:25 PM »
I bought a usb pendant.  And it has bottons on it for changing the speed of the spindle.  A button for faster rpm and a botton for lower rpm.  But i dont have a speed control on my spindle so i can not sure this feature.  But i would like to reconfigure it.  So when i hit either botton its like hitting F5.  So that i can turn the spindle on and off at the pendant.

Anyone have any idea of how i can do this in either mach or some how in the pendant its self?

General Mach Discussion / Relay
« on: June 04, 2006, 11:32:59 PM »
So i bought a new standerd 10am SS Relay to turn my spindle on and off.  And I changed to shielded cable for going from my BOB and my relay.  This seemed to fix my issue of the spindle turning on and off.  Or so i thought.  I was running a long operation the other day.  It was like a hour of cut time or something.  So i get it started and then go and start on programing my next peice.  and i can hear the router in the backround.  and i hear the spindle turn off.  then turn back on.  So i go out and look and it aint anywhere close to being done.  So i though hey im hearing things.  then it does that about 2 more times and i go and pause the program.  And unhook the relay and wire the spindle direct without the relay and from there it works fine.   I am at a loss.

When wired direct it runs fine.  I put a amp meter on it when it was running at max rpm and it was only pulling 5amps.  But it was not cutting anything.  I am unsure if it pulls anymore when it is running or not.  I am thinking it something with my computer sending a siginal to my BOB to turn the spindle off.  Also when i turn my computer off my spindle turns on with the relay.  Is this normal?  i couldnt find any way to change this.

Also i tried installing a diffrent parrellel port.  A Pci parrellel port.  Here is the link to it:  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16815124009

It seemed like it installed right.  But i cant seem to get my router to run off it.  I tried changing the address for port1 or port2 and i cant ever get it to change to the right address.  when i get to work in the morning i can check the address of the new port.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Homeing All Axis not working properly
« on: May 15, 2006, 11:21:40 PM »
I did alittle vb scripting about 3 years ago.  nothing major.  just angle formulas i didnt feel like doing over and over again. What kind of vb script are we talking about?

Just to ask.  What cause noise in the line like i got on my home switches?  Bad wires?  Bad connections?  Because the wire i used for my home switches is cheap speaker wire.  i had to get the machine up and running asap so no time to get anything better.  So i just threw it in.  Any suggestions on a bitter choice for wires for homes?  also any suggestions on the best home limit switches?  i still need to get home for my Z and limits for all my axis.  And still need to wire into my estop. 

General Mach Discussion / Re: Homeing All Axis not working properly
« on: May 14, 2006, 09:46:57 PM »
Ok i got it cutting fairly accurate.  I cut out a 6" X 3" square and miked it.  looked like the 6" side was .003" over and the 3" side was .004" under.  i was cutting it out in wood.  and i know wood can only be so accurate.

Now igot a nother question.  I plan on buying the Deskcnc Probe.  I want to know if this is possable.  I want to be able to take the probe.  Put it into the collet.  Take it down and probe the material.  And set the material.  Then put the router bit in and set the tool height with the probe.  then i want to be able to have it do operation 1.  then stop.  Have it ask for the finish tool then probe the finish tool lenght and go in and finish the part.  If this is possable let me know.  If i am completely out of my mind then let me know :-)

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