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Messages - da21

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General Mach Discussion / Re: synchronize flow rates and motor speed
« on: June 20, 2008, 02:11:16 PM »
yes it's possible , but you need a proportional valve to regulate the flow , on off valves etc won't do , you need to drive a pump with constant pressure  and a relief valve before the proportional valve to feed back into the feed tank or a holding tank etc for when the pressure of the pump is greater than the flow rate etc , so it can just feed excess back around the system , set the relief valve just a small amount above the pressure of the flow , so it easily trips ,


Flash Screens / Re: Night Vision CNC screen pics
« on: June 20, 2008, 02:04:33 PM »
Compliments Scott , nice and clean , easy on the eyes too


General Mach Discussion / Re: LCAM Processing of polylines from DXF
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:57:40 PM »
Glad you found it Pete , this effect happens with any cad program if your not careful , guess how i found out ! ha ha


General Mach Discussion / Re: LCAM Processing of polylines from DXF
« on: June 19, 2008, 05:32:01 PM »
chances are if you look very closely at the polyline and zoom in ,  you'll find breaks or lines crossing a small amount at a corner etc  , polylines need to be one complete line , you need to make sure the polyline is clean and tidy etc


make sure it's all on one layer , it seems to be a layer problem , post your dxf and g code etc and i'll take a look , i have profili here so i can check it for you


Jeep534 ,

don't be frightened over posting your viso files etc , or asking for advice , even if you think it is so simple etc , their are a few people who have experience of retrofiting all types of  machines , better to ask first , than to have a major problem later , or buy totaly wrong components  , after all , we all had to start somewhere


if you have access to a dial gauge set it up to measure the z platten holding your router , and see if it is infact any movement in your slides or ballscrew etc ,
it could even be your router motor bearing etc , may be worth a look


General Mach Discussion / Re: Height Following
« on: June 12, 2008, 04:28:54 PM »
the short answer is yes we hope to


General Mach Discussion / Re: Height Following
« on: June 12, 2008, 04:08:37 PM »
Hood ,
We do more servo motor systems i.e closed loop  , as against stepper based systems .
and retrofits etc , thats all

nothing meant by it


General Mach Discussion / Re: Height Following
« on: June 12, 2008, 03:55:47 PM »
well one thing is , if it dont work then i won't sell it !.

the height unit shown is a one off , but we will be making similar units , it all depends on whats needed etc to suit the particular machine ,
the unit it's self is fully dynamic in that once you have set the parameters it looks after it's self , but i was looking at incorporating a mini mpg rotary control that could move the zero point over a small range , more as a final trimming pot , but actualy i hope we won't need it , this of course depends on the accuracy of height control required  .

we are in too minds to incorporate the controller electronics via USB  , or via an addon unit to the smoothstepper as done by warp9 etc , by which we hope to have a similar product , available in a few months but suiting servo & encoder system users .


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