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Messages - aclausing

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LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Moving Tabs in L.C.
« on: September 12, 2010, 01:19:25 PM »
I'm gunna try this one more time,Last two posts are trashed. The fourm has always been a pain in my a$$ to post on,for reasons beyond my control. If this one post does not post,I GIVE UP! PERIOD.... Now to business, I have the ability to change the Line Type in my CAD program,and in doing so, have LC recognise the change in line type,and does it's own tabbing solution. I have enclosed 4 picts. of my CAD,changing the line type,and this has been more efficiant in producing GCode for the tabbing. It does save alot of time and can be altered to acomidate where the tabs are placed,and can be edited out of the corners if so wished. That had been the problem as I encountered before. Now with the changing of the line type,it has proven to me that this is quite faster, and it also follows curves and slots inward and outward. So this could be done as manual, or edited, for keeping the dash's out of the material where not needed. Simple, Yes ,but I have yet to try it on the machine to get a real sense of what it LOOKS like, and how correct it is.I have loaded the GCode in Mach,and have done in SIM Mode,and it seems perfect to run. Only time will tell,and wonder if there are any hitches, yet to be seen. So the enclosed 4 picts are to get a feel for what is going on. Enjoy !!  Thanks,   Hank S.

LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Moving Tabs in L.C.
« on: September 12, 2010, 10:10:58 AM »

Thanks for that file. Now why did'nt I think of that ! Sometimes the Easiest, is Just Too Hard to Grasp......   Thanks,   Hank S.

LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Moving Tabs in L.C.
« on: September 11, 2010, 09:29:25 AM »
Very Good Explanation on the working of tabbing,however some extra digitizing to get the tabs is working,and that is all that's needed.I never suspected to have gotten, that an offset, saved to another layer, was able to locate tabs in other positions, then in corners and such. Can now resize the offsetting, and continue with the original ,and all is well, on this ONE part,but shall see when the next part is different, and go from there. Very Good Heads up reading, and Time, You spent, on giving me and others a way of changing tabs, at the moment. Still a little confusing, and not sure to remember it for next time, but will leave me a positive way of doing so, when the next time warrants. Thank You for Your Efforts, and Always a Solution to a Post.     Thanks,    Hank S.

LazyCam (Beta) / Moving Tabs in L.C.
« on: September 08, 2010, 01:58:25 PM »
Tried to post here some time ago and seems as the server had been down. Anyway, Is there a way to move the tabs in LC to be on a straight line, instead of anywhere LC puts them. Reason; I ruiened a piece of African Rosewood, none the less, it took out a corner where the tab had been placed,and have tried to do many tabs, and even moved the chain,and still LC puts them right in the corner and in the pocket. I'll salvage the piece somehow, SIGH..... but this would be a nice feature if it already does'nt do it. Any Information is ,and would be Greatly Appreciated.    Thanks,    Hank S.

CVI MachStdMill (MSM) / Re: Initial Setup. Items Found
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:44:27 AM »
Hi Dave,
Yeah sure, emachineT3882, XP home, all service paks, win-32 X86,~2793Mhz, driver test set 45K, running 44798 almost rock solid.
Button clicks are when first starting up, once they are clicked, don't need to do a second, but everytime I close, and reopen, same thing.

Would be nice to see 4-5 seconds to get to the screen, not here though!

Of course this is not the machine PC. If you need info on that,It'll have to wait, this PC is where all the designs are done and editing GCode, 'Just About'  the same as the machine PC, without all the MS stuff that has to be loaded,and running.

As said,will give it a go, but not right now, I'm sure to have more as you,in finding and fixing. I'm GOOD at Breakin Stuff TOO.
             Thanks,   Hank S.

CVI MachStdMill (MSM) / Initial Setup. Items Found
« on: July 19, 2010, 09:50:22 AM »
Hi All,
Like the new screen,a bit more involved in clicking around, to see whats going on. First, this is what I found,Of course, this is Beta...
Loading the screen from a desktop shortcut, see's 20 seconds to load, using the Mach loader see's 16 seconds to load. Waiting for the screen to apear, it is white, blank screen, for said amount of time,but then loads. Clicking on buttoms, Load, WC, tools, etc. have to click,and then click again. ? Seems as though it uses much more resorces to run the New Mach screen then any other?  Go to zero,as someone else mentioned,took a few times to get this right to work. Set up in safe z pull down box inhibit z in work config,and at e stop in the system. I think it should be this way as you want to exit Z +,first then goto X-Y,just my way of diong things as tools are expensive,and scrap you, you figure it. I havent got it loaded to my machine as of yet,figure I get my feet wet when I have some spare time, to do something to recover some scrap pieces,and maybe make some smaller parts. Just aint there yet. Although it is a very active screen,and Will, take some time to get acquainted with.        'Are We There Yet'      Thanks,   Hank S.

LazyCam (Beta) / LC Maintain Aspect Ratio
« on: March 17, 2010, 07:32:39 PM »
I just wanted to do a resize ratio with LC Mill, and found that the Maintain Aspect Ratio check box has the box blocked out. I don't remember this being a problem before,but What happened,is this something I did,or some sort of Bug that just appeared suddenly?I changed the top figure in retro to the part I wanted to get to size, and it worked,but doing the bottom,is a whole different matter.Someone have an Idea as to what Might have happened....    Thanks,   Hank S.

LazyTurn / Re: LazyTurn
« on: January 27, 2010, 06:24:57 PM »
This is Test #7
See if this will post
Thanks,   Hank S.

Hi again,
I got NFW Ver.283 to the folder,and had some issues with ,there are 2 addons in the folder,One in the first, and click addons, to the second,Very confusing,but was doable, and got it to work. I did'nt have to rename the NFW, just deleted 4 of the NFW folders that were inside the 2 addons folders, I probably did it the Wrong way, but now, only have one addon, and one NFW, in the folder like it should be.Start fooling around inside of the Mach Programs folder,and you can expect things, to be cautious about, Especially if you don't know what your doing,as me.. But all is Well.. But very Confusing. and Works!    Thanks,   Hank S.

Hi Ron,
Long time since having trouble,but.. I been trying to update some things, in mach,and doing alittle house cleaning,and found NFW
283 on the page,and did so upgrading, however I saved the zip file in mach, extracted all in mach folder,and renamed the NFW file from NFW 283 to NFW. went back to mach and clicked wiz. and then NFW,and still show's ver.279. Is there something I forgot,or didI not do the right thing by not coping the file correctly... It's in the Mach folder, and unziped, made it's own folder,just not showing up on the NFW first page where the VER.2.79 is showing. Thanks,   Hank S.

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