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Topics - ronniecruisin

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Mach 3 Job Size problem. Help Please??
« on: November 17, 2022, 07:44:17 PM »
Hi. all. Just got a 6040 Chinese machine. Set up the mach 3 software. Input all settings from online manufacturer. Machine runs great. But the size of the job was miniscule. so small it was tiny on the screen. Checked Func 6 and did calc re travel. specified a figure and machine moved that distance. Have no idea how it happened but at some point the image on the screen changed to the proper size and the job cut out perfectly. Saved the settings and turned Mach 3 off and reloaded the program. Back to the original Tiny image and the machine doing the tiny movements again. I have no clue what is going wrong!!! Anybody know please.???? It's doing my head in!!! Regards to all ....Ronnie.

General Mach Discussion / machine not cutting as simulation.
« on: October 06, 2015, 11:41:24 PM »
Hi. All. Been out of action for a while and just getting back in to my CNC. I'm having a problem with the cut in Mach3. V cutting works fine with no problems but, in either Profile or Pocketing operations even though the simulation when saving the job in my drawing software shows perfectly square corners, when I cut the job it starts in a corner and cuts the other three corners with a radius, so the only square corner is the one it started at. Same thing happens when pocketing. From what I am able to find out the problem is at the Mach3 CNC end. The Art program is working perfectly. Does anybody know how to fix this??? Is it a parameter not set in Mach3??? The machine came with the program, but with very basic setup instructions. Regards to all ...Ron. ???

General Mach Discussion / spindle not working???
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:59:59 AM »
Hi. All . Don't know if this is the right place to put this but I"m hoping some one may have an idea for my problem. I have a chinese machine (New last Xmas and due to a long illness I have used it only about 6 or so times.) Fired it up yesterday All seems to be working BUT The spindle won't run. When I flick the switch on the control box I hear it doing something and the digital speed controller also lights up, but the spindle does not run. Have taken the 4 wire plug out of both the control box and the spindle and a continuity check of the 4 wires is good. In the Mach 3 Diagnostics page I do notice that status lights (bottom R/H corner ) The spindle is no. 1. The light is showing either dark or flashing Red.I have never noticed but should this be indicating Green??? Have even tried reinstalling Mach 3 but still no go. Have checked ports and pins etc. and all is set as it should be. Its probably some thing simple but I have no idea where to look. Can Anyone help me ????? Regards to all .....Ron.

General Mach Discussion / A bit Stuck. Error Message
« on: July 13, 2013, 02:24:18 AM »
Hi all. Am still trying to come to grips with my cnc. While doing a dummy run on a demo G code. The machine followed all the moves but a message appeared at the bottom of the Mach 3  page ...( TOO FAST FOR PULLEY.) Does any body know what that means and what I do to fix it.??? Regards... Ronnie.

General Mach Discussion / Still having a problem with mach 3.
« on: March 10, 2013, 11:18:48 PM »
H all.  Thought I had my problem all solved. but it's back and I can't find whatever i did to fix it. Basically the machine is working good. I can set co-ords and it faithfully follows em. I can hit Ref all Home and it goes home. When I load say a picture to carve that is say 6 inches by 6 the machine travels to the full width of the gantry but only a short distance into the image when it runs out of travel. I did something that fixed this but the next time I turned on the machine it was back the way it was. Can anyone please tell me how you change the cursor lines in the image screen so they are travelling across the image from one side to the other at a quick rate in relation to the spindle. ??? My 6x6 image is being treated like it is about 40 inches wide. I'm going well with the rest of the machine but this has me stumped. i've been trying for two days to figure out what I did last time but to no avail.  frustrated Ronnie. :'(

General Mach Discussion / newbie needs some advice please.
« on: March 03, 2013, 04:22:27 PM »
Hi. all. Just setting up a new Chinese Machine running Mach 3. The CNC came with some animal samples to make. When I load any of them into Mach 3 and press the run button the gantry travels nearly all the way to the back end of the macihine and too far to the right causing me to have to stop the machine. It is obviously heading to a point to start the program but I can't figure out how to change the initial movement to the back and right of the machine. My CNC is a small one ,(900 x 600 cutting area). Can you tell me where the parameters are located to change this?????. Haven't set up homing etc yet. Does not matter where I manually put the machine to start. Even fully forward and to the left as far as I can go. The machine still heads to the same place. It's doing my head in! :'(   Ronnie.

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