Ok, here is what I need, I dont use Haas so YOUR going to have to do some work, detail work..........
I need to know what every button is on the physical button interface and how it works/functions.
Also, I will need a documented "navigation tree", for instance when it boots up, it boots into this screen, I will need to know what all the information is on that screen. Then all the "Sub Screens" I will need to know what your pushing to navigate to them and how they work. I will need screen shot CLEAR screen shot of what all the information on each screen, and how that information is used, how it is edited, etc.
I can recreate the Screens Exactly, as well as the navigation tree: IF!!!!! you give me good details, and CLEAR picutres as well as descriptions of what things are, do, and how they are used and how to use them....
High end screens can be quit complex, so detail/explaination is needed.
Take your time, and get me a GOOD document that I can open up that has all these pics, funcitons, discriiptions, and what the External Physical buttons do, as well as any SCreen Buttons do. DO NOT ASSUME, I know anything about the Haas screen, spell everything out totally like your explaining it to a Knuckle Head (yeap, lots of knuckle there).