Try adding a:
between the
While getUserLed(1200)
Wend 'wait here for the "tablet.brn" to see I've pressed the button on the tablet
To get
While getUserLed(1200)
Wend 'wait here for the "tablet.brn" to see I've pressed the button on the tablet
When you have a loop like that, mach makes MANY cycles and uses a lot of resources, adding the sleep command, slows down this cycle as to not lock up your computer.
What version of mach are you using, If you are using the latest version, then just adding that line would do, Art added the declaration of the sleep command internally, if you are using older versions of mach, then you would have to declare it with this at the beginning of your code:
Declare Sub Sleep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Hope that gets you going