While you can run a "button/macro" from a Brian, it is a major pain in the ass.....
So, I would probably move your script to the Macro pump, like this: I will call your script, "My script here"
Map your hand held script trigger button to something like OEMTRIGGER1 or something (enable that in PP).
counter = GetUserDRO(2200)
if IsActive(OEMTRIGGER1) and counter = 0 then
"My script here"
counter =1
end if
if NOT(IsActive(OEMTRIGGER1)) and counter = 1 then
counter =0
end if
'Shamless plug here as well: if you want you could by a copy of my Mach MAD plug in, you can then run upto 15
'different Macros from upto 15 different input LED triggers............. hehehe