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Author Topic: Lazy cam problems  (Read 25535 times)

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Re: Lazy cam problems
« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2008, 01:28:06 PM »

>>Art, I used to work correcting customer graphics in all sorts of formats for laser and waterjet cutting with Autocad, Corel and a host of other software, now you mean to tell me I can't find a .1 gap in a 1" square? I might be loosing my vision but I still can see when everything is connected and not overlapped by using different programs to examine a DXF looking at all the i

 We're probably beating a dead horse here.. But the normal files with a problem ARE where lines dont match up. Just having a square isnt the typical drawing. Usually, the drawing is comprised of lines that have been approximated from a bezier function.. Lines from such an approximation algorith will generate a profile where the lines dont quite match, and the tolerance can fix them, but then what tends to happen is you get some lines so short they are smaller than the actual connection tolerance used. These small lines are then rejected as they match multiple points within the tolerance. Ive seen it many times. LCam's problems really result form so many patches to ciorrect so many types of drawings. Now Im not about to convince you, nor do I particularly want to, but as a primary coder in that code I can tell you that Ive seen more horendous drawing errors than I have horrendous interpretation errors. Kinda moot now that Scott fixed you up, LCam is simply a "if you like it..good, if not..good.." type of program.
As a DXF importer, its helped more than its hurt. ( And I have seen the results to prove it. ). I have OEMs that use only LCam, and have spoken to the shops that use it and love it. SO in the end, it does what I needed it to do. But if you search the group posts, youll find one thing to be true, I have always recommended people buy a real cam program.. LCAm is there for a specific purpose, if it mathces what you do.. excellent..if not.. theres lots out there to choose from.

   Its normal though, for any software to have its proponents and its detractors. Look at windows, not hard to find a person who says its total crap, or to find people that say its a modern marvel. Any software is similar. ( Just google for "Windows VS Linux" ).

  Now that Scott has fixed you up, just try the others available.. Sounds to me like your frustration isnt quite settled..beat the neighbours dog for a bit or do what I do..watch the beverly hillbillies for bit.. Jethro removes my tension. Basically youve lost some time and got frustrated by a piece of software.. join the club, hasnt everyone? Your only alternative is to learn to program, write an importer yourself.. and then sit back and be prepared for the hundreds of drawing that will be sent to you that are total crap..fix the code to match the crap, thus making the program more likley to fail on other drawings.. its a self-perpetuating thing.. goes on endlessly..

  Im usually amazed by those that hate it to the point of real frustration.. first, the basic LCam is free.. why would anyone spend hours and hours trying to beat themselves up, if a free program doesnt work, dump it and buy one that does.. When it comes to Pro functions, they all work in demo as opposed to what was written earlier, they just wont post the Gcode, so its easy to test it to see if it WILL do what you want..if so, good ,purchase it, if not, good..dont. I do it all the time.. and reject more programs than I buy. Life is too short Bud.. getting mad at a computer is counter productive.. theirs too much available out there to match anyones needs, jsut find one that matches.. Dont know how much more I can possibly say on that topic.

  As I started with, we're beating a dead horse.. but if it makes you feel better to vent.. blow your mind.. My skin is pretty leathery..




Offline Kristin D

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Re: Lazy cam problems
« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2008, 03:42:09 PM »
Just to get the last word in!

Offline ART

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Re: Lazy cam problems
« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2008, 04:02:35 PM »
LOL!! OK, you got the last word.. :)

Art (Writer of the last word.)

Offline Kristin D

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Re: Lazy cam problems
« Reply #33 on: September 11, 2008, 04:37:20 PM »
Now I do!
Re: Lazy cam problems
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2008, 02:21:25 AM »
Please let me know what's going to be done with the Lazycam.
Hope your retirement is going well
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 09:27:03 PM by Chaoticone »
Re: Lazy cam problems
« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2008, 02:15:07 PM »
That, IMHO is in extremely poor taste, and totally uncalled for.  Can't we at least remain a bit more polite and respectful?

Ray L.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 09:27:49 PM by Chaoticone »
Ray L.


Re: Lazy cam problems
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2008, 10:33:16 PM »
Just another oppinion on LCAM. I run surfcam,mastercam and Solidcam so I might understand cam a little bit. I also own LCAM. LCAM is just what it stands for LazyCAM and to that point it works just fine. Is it perfect? NOPE but neither is any of the others I run. For the LCAM Pro version $75 that would not even get a Mastercam decal to your doorway.

Most errors I have run into were indeed drawing errors(self inflicted) by me and OTHERS being in a real hurry to do something. Most were fixable some were not. FUNNY how a CNC machinist makes a great CNC draftsman once they understand how a Gcode file works. Where as a great Draftsman can make a terrible CNC drawing for lack of how Gcode has to work with the drawings. ( Just my own accessment over 30 years)

There are some things that Lcam just cannot do. But for the $75 it is only surpassed by MACH as a bargain of the century.

IF you do not understand CAM then Lcam may NOT be for you.

YES the manual does not exist but for the price what do you expect? IF you are patient help is available just about 24/7 on the wedsites.  A lot of functions may not work as YOU expect them to, BUT neither does the big boys costing$10k or more PER SEAT. THere is usally a reason they don't work as YOU would expect them to (;-)

DO I really use it???  YOU bet every day to do simple conversions of simple drawings. Has it paid for itself???  MANY MANY times.

DO I want the guys to make it into a world class CAM???   NOT ON YOUR LIFE    It is fine just as it is. It works fine for its intended purpose.

I want the guys to spend their time on the MACH controller software to KEEP shaking out the bugs and make it as rock solid as possible.  THen start on a NEW generation controller based on the gleamings from MACH.. I want them to keep added in needed features to MACH. I want them to stay focused on controller software NOT CAM software.

If you want to have cheap fault free CAM software, LEARN TO PROGRAM GODE BY HAND. (;-)

I guess by now you have figured out I am happy with LCAM (;-)

(;-) TP

« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 10:43:47 PM by vmax549 »

Offline docltf

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Re: Lazy cam problems
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2008, 02:22:28 AM »
Well said Vmax

Re: Lazy cam problems
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2008, 08:35:31 AM »
I think most of the people using this software do not have the experience that you have
and also don't have 20k in software to use when Lcam can't do what it is supposed to do.
The whole point of this thread is not to make Lcam a world class cam program but to just
fix the existing programs faults.
For example, I downloaded sheetcam the other day. Was generating code in 30min. Problems
yes, but when I imported the dxf I did nothing special and it imported perfect, was all connected
and was much easier to choose climb cut or conventional cut.
I personally like Lcam. Its perfect for what I do but I need the pocketing and offsetting functions
to work like they should along with the other functions I mentioned before.
Man oh man if they just got the program to just work better I think it would be one of
the best programs in the industry.

Re: Lazy cam problems
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2008, 08:53:52 AM »
When I draw arc, circles or curves in Corel Draw 12 and save them to .DXF, when it is opened with LazyCam, everything look like polygons lines...What it is wrong? Corel Draw or LazyCam? Thanks for any imput...