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Author Topic: Newfangled shapes  (Read 112781 times)

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Re: Newfangled shapes
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2005, 08:58:21 PM »
ok, Brian, I'll give you an idea that will take the world by surprise... nema adaoter plates, like 23, 34 and what not... Mike

another issue, since wizards are very fancy, could we have a separate button thar stands out?
Re: Newfangled shapes
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2005, 09:02:36 PM »
There are a few buttons on the Program run screen in Mach3...
As for the nema Idea, that could be done...

There are so many thing's that could be done! I just need time... I am thinking that going to work sucks hehehe...

Thank you
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)

Re: Newfangled shapes
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2005, 09:07:31 PM »
I looked at the new newfangled solutions today and they run much smoother and better now, they appear to be perfct, very encouraging for people needing them, like me. The way it goes, Mach3 is rapidly taking over the whole world and you are the gunner :)  Mike
Re: Newfangled shapes
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2005, 10:01:57 AM »
Good morning all.  I am working with Brian and Newfangled on the Shapes Wizard.  It is coming along great so far!  I just wanted to post a few screen shots so people can see how nice this Wizard really is.  It took me about 5 minutes from the time I launched Mach 3 to when I had the completed G-code and was ready to cut.  Keep the suggestions for shapes coming.  We are looking at all of them and I am putting them in as fast as I can.  Brian is working on more features for the Wizard as well, including mirroring about X and/or Y axis.  It is so quick and simple to use that there is no excuse for people not to make their own really nice control panels now!! :o  Let us know what you think.  ???

Here is one showing DB-9,15, and 25 pin cutouts along with a couple of logos.  Notice the rotated cutouts.:o  Done by simply inputing a rotation and for it into a DRO in the Wizard.  8)

Enjoy!! ;)

-Rob "Trips"
Re: Newfangled shapes
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2005, 10:04:25 AM »
Here is another shot of the file, but in a side veiw to illustrate step depth and final depth.
Re: Newfangled shapes
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2005, 10:09:13 AM »
And here is another with 2 Artsoft logo's.  I have varied both the final depth and step depth so they are different for each.  This can be seen well in the second image.

As a side note, you will have to forgive any mistakes I have made in these three posts. :D  They are my first to this forum.  Thanks for the time guys and keep the ideas coming. ;D

Re: Newfangled shapes
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2005, 10:45:57 AM »
And just like that, Brian has the Mirroring function put in and working great.  Again, I timed it.  And took me less the 5 minutes from the time I launched Mach3 to having G-code ready to make chips.  He are 2 more examples with the Artsoft logo.  The first shows the mirroriing about the X and Y axis' seperately.  The second shows a mirroring around the X and Y simultaneously (? spelling ?)  I am a better CNC addict than I am a speller/writer! ;)  Enjoy!! ;D

Re: Newfangled shapes
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2005, 11:11:26 AM »

Thank you for posting, that is nice. I heard it several times ho great it is, I know Brian works on it faster than he can but... I have my basic test: If I can click around hte screen and do something in 5 minutes I know it is user friendly. This time, I cannot do it. I am not going to lie to you saying that I did it: basically that feature is sealed form intuitive access. What could be simpler to import or open a cad drawing? All it does is opens a g code!! What am I doing wrong that that screen is so immune to intuitive using? I know that is not what Brian nor you want to hear but that's a fact.

I know video is coming but maybe 5 steps written down (if that many) and anybody could test for himself how tracing works?

A second thing about adding wizzards: maybe Brian will find useful to have a movement programmed from left to right or forward to back... I am thinking it might be useful if we have a part that needs to be shaved or cut on one side (more sides?) Just a suggestion.   Mike

Re: Newfangled shapes
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2005, 11:38:03 AM »
The Teach wizard is not simple to use... This will change as I have time. The problem that i am working on now is the math to make it simple. I have had to learn vector math to do the things that are going to make this a VERY simple wizard to use. Please just give me some time and you will be happy (would you like to do some testing?).
As for the shape wizard it is VERY simple to use. You tell it X Y position (of the center), depth, Step depth, and rotation. I think you are going to like this.

Thank you
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)

Re: Newfangled shapes
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2010, 11:22:40 PM »
Very old thread I see but one I would really like would be the 22mm Panel holes with the little locating tang facing into the hole.  Industrial 22mm Pilot holes.


As many of you know cutting out control panels is NO fun... SO we at Newfangled Solutions have come up with an other new idea. What we have running now is a shape wizard that is part of the Add-on for mill. This shape wizard can take a gcode file and rotate, shiftX, shiftY scale and do cutter comp if file has cutter come. You may think okay what is so cool about that... Well I just did a file that has 6 DB25 cutouts 3 at 45deg and 3 more  at 135deg. The wizard will set the depth and the step depth of the file as well... SO why did I post???? I would like to know what shapes I should have added to this?
Thank you