Well I wired my vfd forward and reverse pins to the same relay , one on NO the other on NC . My Vfd doesnt have a seperate input to turn the spindle motor on so when its plugged in in the configuration above it starts in the direction thats attached to the nc pin on the relay. I am using this same VFD on my deskcnc setup and I have two relays, one that pulls the fwd to grnd for fwd and the other that pulls the rev term to ground for reverse. When either of these term(fwd or reverse) is pulled to the common pin that starts the rotation in that direction. Its been running fine for a couple of years and dont mind wiring this one the same , I have two relays on board that are not being used, one at pin 1 , the other at pin 14.
Currently I have the common term in the VFD wired to the relay at pin 14 and the fwd term of the vfd wired to NO side the same relay. The rev pin and common are tied to the relay at pin 1
in the vb editor I opened the m3 file and changed the "DoSpin()" command with "ActivateSignal(OutPut14) "
I changed the m4 file to read "ActivateSignal(OutPut1) "
I changed the m5 file to read "DeActivateSignal(OutPut14)" "DeActivateSignal(OutPut1)"
I can now click the spindle button on the screen and it turns the spindle on and off , when I type m3 s3000 in the MDI line with the spindle motor off nothing is happening , same with m4 , m5 will not turn the spindle off when its running .
I am sure I am overlooking something simple, thanks for any help