I have two or three buttons I 'd like to make operation smoother for me.
The first is a GO HOME button that would send the control point to the 0,0 corner of my spoilboard (yes, I'm a shopbotter convert with a CNC router, not a mill). That is NOT the mechanical limits, but the corner of the spoilboard I'm looking to go to. I understand how to use the fixture settings- what I want is a button that sends the router to the start position, corner of the spoilboard.
The second is a tool change position. This one I'd like to have in the GCode so that when a tool change is called for the code sends the control point to this coordinate and turns off the spindle so that I can change the tool, and then resume cutting the file when I press cycle start. I'd like this macro to operate by a button, but also when the macro is called in Gcode. I'd also like to have a place on screen to enter the tool change position.
If some one has this sorta thing written I'd be grateful to have a copy. If not, can you point me in the right direction to the tutorials for this sorta thing?
I'm loving this program! Nice to have this flexibility, now that I'm starting to get a handle on it.