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Author Topic: Making a GO TO button  (Read 3783 times)

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Making a GO TO button
« on: November 10, 2007, 03:14:13 PM »
I have two or three buttons I 'd like to make operation smoother for me.

The first is a GO HOME button that would send the control point to the 0,0 corner of my spoilboard (yes, I'm a shopbotter convert with a CNC router, not a mill).  That is NOT the mechanical limits, but the corner of the spoilboard I'm looking to go to.  I understand how to use the fixture settings- what I want is a button that sends the router to the start position, corner of the spoilboard.   

The second is a tool change position.  This one I'd like to have in the GCode so that when a tool change is called for the code sends the control point to this coordinate and turns off the spindle so that I can change the tool, and then resume cutting the file when I press cycle start.  I'd like this macro to operate by a button, but also when the macro is called in Gcode.  I'd also like to have a place on screen to enter the tool change position. 

If some one has this sorta thing written I'd be grateful to have a copy.  If not, can you point me in the right direction to the tutorials for this sorta thing? 

I'm loving this program!  Nice to have this flexibility, now that I'm starting to get a handle on it.


Offline Greolt

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Re: Making a GO TO button
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 04:10:12 PM »
G'day Wayne

If you use G55,  G56  etc then why don't you just use the Goto Zero button?

Alternatively you could set up a "Set Ref" and "Goto Ref" buttons with the appropriate DROs  (see screen grab)

I believe the second part of your question is there already.

DROs on the settings page as well as a setting on the Config page.

I have not used it so can not say for sure but that's what it looks like.


Offline GaryB

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Re: Making a GO TO button
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 04:59:00 PM »
Use screen 4 to edit your screen set to add the buttons then edit the button script in Mach.
As Greg stated the tool change position is already on the settings page just create the button and do the script.
the wiki is full of info but if you need help you can contact me.

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Offline jimpinder

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Re: Making a GO TO button
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2007, 01:43:25 PM »
Wayne - If you look at the introduction to scripting tutorial this sort of thing is covered there.

A tool change location is specifically mentioned, and it is also clear enough how to write, or amend, scripts to do what you want.

You can basically add a button to any of your screens and then write a script to have the machine dance a jig, if you want to???
Not me driving the engine - I'm better looking.