If you go to the configure menu it is all there - how to configure Mach3. You can configure your axis, your backlash, - indeed all the machine.
Specifically for the axis Mach 3 needs to know how many pulses per inch or mm your steppers needs. This depends on how you have set up your machine in the "Set Native Units"...
You must then set up your "Ports and Pins" - to tell Mach3 which wire from your Printer port runs which axis for step and direction
Finally - you must "tune" your axis motors. Enter the number of pulses your motor must have to move your axis by one ??.
Some steppers cards are on 1/8 step drivers - and each step moves 1.8 degrees - so your could be on 1600 just to turn you motor by 1 revolution. If that is geared down to your axis - mine are 3 to 1 - then you are up to 4800 - and if each leadscrew has to turn 10 times to move say 1 inch, then you are on 48,000.
You can then set the speed at which your axis can move per minute - this depends on your machine - start low and gradually increase it until your motors start to stutter and miss steps. You can increase and decrease the acceleration as well, to get the best performance.
This is the speed for your G0 moves. Your jogging can also be at that speed. Remember what speeds up must also slow down, so do not run to the end of the axis and hope that it will stop from full speed to zero instantaneously.
You cannot really damage a stepper motor. They are designed to stall with power attached - indeed that is how they work. If you put too much load on them they will miss steps instead of turning. You can overheat them , apparently by using too low a voltage as well as too high a voltage - so stick to the voltage recommended on your driver cards, and set the current limit accurately.