Hi, everyone, im new here, from Spain, just built my beautiful cnc router, got my mach 3 license and have watched all the artsoft soft limit videos and troubleshooting and tried changing every setting and I still cant get them to work.
Well, not entirely true, the worked once and I was so happy, now I always get the machine out of limits for soft limits.
I will post screenshots to see if anyone can help me.
My real workspace is y=2300; soft limitmax = 2200.00
realx= 1300; softlimit= 1250 and z soft limit max is o and min is -80, the other mins are all 0.00.
i do have home switches, I do press ref all, it all goes green then try to get soft limits to work and there´s machine out of limits warning.
I seriously cant understand what I am doing wrong. Please help and thanks.
This happens with or without gcode