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Author Topic: Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup  (Read 8846 times)

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Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup
« on: April 30, 2022, 10:22:24 AM »
Few people have created topic similar but different or wrong model. I'm posting the right one right model and guide y'all Thu this.
This for model XHC WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup

I'm using "INCHES" and I CAN MOVE steps 0.001", 0.010", 0.100", 1.00" etcs...
WHB04B-6 axis with Mach4 also work for 4axis as well.

Video to guide yall

make sure select MPG #1 and Macro 10= select function "Machine Enable"
Let me know it working for you. look forward to your answer.

Mach4 lastest version can be found under this link.

Download version Mach4Hobby_Installer-

Offline dibor

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Re: Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2022, 01:36:39 PM »
I use Metric.
Yes XHC WHB04B is works but not all functions.
1. Feed + - works wrong, one click on "Feed +" - feed going to 200, one click on "Feed -" going to 0.
2. Same with "Spindle"
3.Step doesn't works.
4.While changing from Continuous to Step(or mode rate is not saved.
As example, set rate to 30%, then click on Step and after on Continuous, try to move - rate will be about 20.
So, doesn't matter what rate was before after clicking on Step and after on Continuous rate will be ~20
5.If U click on "Feed +" or "Feed -"  or any "Spindle" and rotate encoder - U cannot back to Continuous mode, clicking on "Continuous" button do nothing.
Only one way to back to Continuous mode is click on Step and after that on Continuous, but rate will be different, about 100%

I hope developers will fix it.

Best Wishes.
Re: Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2022, 10:51:47 PM »

I hope developers will fix it.

I think you might be disappointed....there are no developers. The only plugins written for XHC pendants have been written by private users. They have been kind
enough to publish what they have done.....but they have done all this work for free and are unlikely to be motivated by your request, unless you roll up your sleeves
and start doing some work yourself.

The latest, and probably the best plugin was written by Smurph, one of the lead developers of Mach4 itself, so he is very qualified to do so. For all of that he did it for free.

It seems a shame that XHC does not write their own plugin, they have certainly been encouraged to so by NFS with offers of support, but they can't be bothered.
It seems that if they've got you money then who cares? Not a nice way to treat your customers but that's what they do.

If you get sick of XHC then try VistaCNC, they did write their own Mach4 plugin. I used a P1A for eight years before it wore out, should have bought another one really.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'

Offline dibor

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Re: Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2022, 02:20:52 AM »

I think you might be disappointed....there are no developers.

I do not agree.
Same plug in works different in the different Mach4 dev. versions.
For example, in the versions before 4999 "Step" function do not worked  at all .
In the version 4999 function is works but works wrong!
Nleo22 reported that he using "INCHES" and CAN MOVE steps 0.001", 0.010", 0.100", 1.00" etcs...
I use METRIC and steps doesn't  works or works wrong.
So, I think Mach4 developers can to fix these issues.

Best Wishes.
Re: Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2022, 03:23:49 AM »

So, I think Mach4 developers can to fix these issues.

WRONG! an XHC pendant is not made, sold or supported by NFS, the developers of Mach4 and it is NOT therefore the job of Mach4 developers to do anything.
That Smurph chose to do so was/is his personal choice. I told him at the time that he was on a 'hiding to hell' because every man and his dog
will expect him to fix any problems real or perceived. Here we are several months later and you seem to be insisting that he be responsible for getting your Chinese
made pendant to work. Why don't you ask the Chinaman who made it, you paid the money to him .....but its someone else's responsibility to make it work????.

If you look at any other piece of hardware made to work with Mach4 then it's the hardware manufacturers responsibility to write and maintain the plugin, not NFS
or any of the Mach4 developers. VistaCNC is a case in point. They make and sell pedants for use with Mach4 and VistaCNC write and maintain the plugin for that
to happen. If it does not work then you ask VistaCNC about it....not Mach4.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'

Offline dibor

  •  26 26
Re: Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2022, 04:16:29 AM »
I didn't sad who made and what made.
I saw XHC pendant support in the dev. logs.
So I purchased one and tried it.

For the info:

4613 - 4694
Plugins: Add XhcMpg plugin.
Build: Include mcXhcMpg plugin.
mcXhcMpg: Prevent crash on shutdown.
XhcMpg: Fix no config in the profile case.
mcXhcMpg: Fix new registration case.

4695 - 4715
mcXhcMpg: Fix MPG ID dropdown if MPG# == 0.
mcXhcMpg: Fix User G code INI section spelling error that prevented user G code from working.

4747 - 4818
mcXhcMpg: Add variable speed jogging on the continuous jog with the right switch on the "Lead" position.
mcXhcMpg: Add probe Z functionality

I hope in the next Mach4 versions  XHC pendant will works better.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2022, 04:18:38 AM by dibor »

Offline dibor

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Re: Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2022, 09:55:02 AM »
Got P2S from VistaCNC - looks like I spend money for nothing :(
With latest firmware v.2 works very bad :(
Checked with Mach4 simulation.
10 clicks right, 10 clicks left and got error 0.014mm :(
I understood, now will be long story with VistaCNC.

Will make small video and will share link here.

Best Wishes.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 10:08:48 AM by dibor »
Re: Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2022, 02:57:50 PM »

10 clicks right, 10 clicks left and got error 0.014mm

What increment was each click? Were you in Velocity mode or Incremental mode?.

If in velocity mode the axis goes as long as you keep spinning the MPG above a certain speed. It does not mean that if you go '10 clicks' it actually goes
10 times the current increment. That mode is called Incremental mode.......then I would expect 10 clicks in one direction and then 10 clicks back to be the same place,
and that's what my pendant did for years.

When you say there is an error....is that in Machs DROs or did you measure it with a dial gauge?

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'

Offline dibor

  •  26 26
Re: Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2022, 03:28:23 PM »
I am in the step size mode.
Have find that :
In the step size 0.01 - error can be +- 0.01
In the step size 0.001 - error can be +- 0.002
In the step size 0.0001 - error can be +- 0.0007

Errors appears after moving weel few times CW and CCW
With step size 0.0001 enough to move 10 steps from 0, left(to 90) and then right (to 10) and possible to get error easy 0.0002

I see this error on Mach DRO and on the P2S screen.

Best Wishes.
Re: Mach4 WHB04B-6 axis or WHB04B-4 axis enable plugin setup
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2022, 03:42:02 PM »
the Mach DRO is populated by motion controller, that is to say that the motion controller reports its current position as a 32bit integer. Mach does the steps/uint
calculation and that is the number displayed in the DRO.

May I suggest you try a much larger increment, an an experiment, and measure how far it actually moves. Try either 0.1 or 0.5, then measure how far it actually
moves, and compare.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'