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Author Topic: Trouble homing master/slave axis and other possible issues. Need help.  (Read 17066 times)

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Problem:  Unable to get master (y) & slave (a) axis to home together.  The slave will only run with the master, never separate.  So I am unable to reliably square my gantry when homing the machine.

While trying a few things in the "edit button script" I noticed some things that didn't match up to what I had seen in other posts.

DoButton( 24 ) - Controlled Z axis
DoButton( 23 ) - Controlled Y axis
DoButton( 22 ) - Controlled X axis
DoButton( 25 ) - Did nothing, however I had to physically trip the homing switch on the A axis <or> hit reset to be able to REF ALL again


I've seen other forum posts where the DoButton codes were as follows...
24 - Z
23 - X
22 - Y
25 - A

Everything appears to be connected properly and my ports/pins are set correctly.  Home w/master axis is unchecked in general config tab.

Software: Mach3
Motion Controller: Digital Dream UC300

Any help is appreciated.
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Re: Trouble homing master/slave axis and other possible issues. Need help.
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2021, 10:59:16 PM »

Due to their license violation this forum does not support Novusun products. You need to contact the manufacturer / supplier of your Digital Dream controller and seek their assistance with any Mach3 settings isues you may have.
