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Author Topic: Vetric post processor Mach4 with OPT laser operation  (Read 23924 times)

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Vetric post processor Mach4 with OPT laser operation
« on: December 18, 2020, 04:24:19 PM »
Using Avid CNC Pro with Warp9 ess smoth stepper and OPT laser. For the life of me, I can not get the laser to fire in mach4. I followed all instruction from warp9, mach, vectric, and OPT but still cannot get the laser to fire. Went to youtube and found a .pp file from this gent who provided it.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLsUryo54Mc&list=PLKFWjO4eBep0VtmoM6-fJZAH8rchmEUfp&index=5

Vcarve allowed me to save a toolpath using his post processor file, but when running in Mach4 it will not fire the laser.

The post processor file provided by Twinkie on the Mach forum does not work and Vcarve just says "error occurred while outputing toolpath....check the post processor you're using is compatible with the toolpath you're trying to output"

For Mach3: I can run the test file and fire the laser using the M10p1 and M11p1 commands from OPT using Mach3 with port 3 pin17 as instructed by OPT.   

Does anyone have an actual solution to this? It is kinda frustrating that MACH, Vectric and OPT have no idea how to make a laser work without the user spending hours and hours to try and figure this out.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Vetric post processor Mach4 with OPT laser operation
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2020, 01:12:34 AM »
The post processor file provided by Twinkie on the Mach forum does not work and Vcarve just says "error occurred while outputing toolpath....check the post processor you're using is compatible with the toolpath you're trying to output"

Probably some slight confusion in terms here as there is a big difference between 'it does not work' and 'I cannot get it to work'
The post processor I have linked in my precvious thread does work with Vectric - I know because I am sucessfully using it  - if you are able to use Mach3 and M11P1/M10P1 then you will be able to use Mach4 and M62P1/M63P1 in exactly the same way.

Re: Vetric post processor Mach4 with OPT laser operation
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2023, 10:19:26 PM »
donleedman is right, the post processor you posted doesn't work with the latest Vectric programs, yes you use it, but what version of your Vectric program is it?
There was a change in the newer versions of Vectric programs and many post processors stopped working, I would also like to use your PP on the Aspire 11, unfortunately I tested it and it doesn't work, if you could check what the problem is and make an update, I'll be very grateful. Hugs.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Vetric post processor Mach4 with OPT laser operation
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2023, 08:40:22 AM »
donleedman is right, the post processor you posted doesn't work with the latest Vectric programs, yes you use it, but what version of your Vectric program is it?
There was a change in the newer versions of Vectric programs and many post processors stopped working, I would also like to use your PP on the Aspire 11, unfortunately I tested it and it doesn't work, if you could check what the problem is and make an update, I'll be very grateful. Hugs.

Thanks for the update.

I don't yet have v11.5 so cannot test. All I can say is that the pp works OK with v10.512

Re: Vetric post processor Mach4 with OPT laser operation
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2024, 08:09:10 PM »
Hello Donleedman, I am also using a vary similar setup. Mach4 with MB3 BOB with ESS smooth stepper. I'm having the same issue.
(  "error occurred while outputing tool path....check the post processor you're using is compatible with the tool path you're trying to output"  ).

If you are using a MB3 BOB I have a work around to get the laser to fire.
P.S. I would like to try your PP and see if it works on my Vcarve Pro.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Vetric post processor Mach4 with OPT laser operation
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2024, 01:12:48 AM »
If all else fails...

Save the Vectric toolparth to file then load that file into Mach4 as opposed to outputting direct.

Re: Vetric post processor Mach4 with OPT laser operation
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2024, 07:43:51 PM »
Thanks tweakie, That's where my problem is. I try to save to file and get that error message.