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Author Topic: Force feedrate / Max speed while program is running  (Read 1380 times)

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Force feedrate / Max speed while program is running
« on: July 03, 2020, 11:57:12 AM »
Hello all,

For cycle time and machine lifetime reasons I want to use the Tempest motion planner which was made several years ago for mach3. The only problem I have with it is that the feedrate overide has been disactivated and I really want / need it.

I have been trying to create a macropump which would change the max speed of the axis depending on a potmeter, macro works but the changes do not happen while the program is running.
I also tried using OEMDro and #99********* to specify the feedrate through macropump and potmeter, but again this does not work after program has been started.

Does any of you have a brillant idea how to do that?


Re: Force feedrate / Max speed while program is running
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2020, 09:58:43 AM »

So one thing which works but is not perfect is to have a lot of M1 in the program, when activated and machine stops it updates the max motor speed of all axis following the macro.

Still if somebody gets a better solution...

