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Author Topic: 3D tool-path software for milling with discs instead of cylindrical tools?  (Read 3116 times)

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Offline ger21

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The quote is correct, but it doesn't say you can create a saw blade tool.

Another issue with a saw blade is that the toolpath needs to be aligned with the blade, sort of like a tangential knife. But you can only make straight cuts. I've seen this done in videos, and I think it was with a 5 axis machine.

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JointCAM Dovetail and Box Joint software
Hi Gerry,
I was able to make a 'saw blade' profile with Mastercam, but you are right... I had a battle trying to convince Mastercam to
generate a tool path for such a tool. I did get it to work but I had to write bits of Gcode to get the 'blade' into and out of the workpiece.

I think the correct term is 're-entrant shaped tool', thus by retracting in Z axis alone causes a crash.

I am very in-expert in CAM of any description but re-entrant tooling is a challenge.

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Offline Frank1959

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thanks guys,

Ger, when you say "Another issue with a saw blade is that the toolpath needs to be aligned with the blade, sort of like a tangential knife...."
But isn't any tool path ALWAYS  aligned with the tool?? Or  is it a case of the tool path being aligned with the spindle axis, which is the same axis as a cylindrical tool, but with a disc, the tool path would be  at 90º to the spindle axis.  Maybe  I am  getting confusing (or the subject starts to get confusing for me ; - (

Also, you mention "But you can only make straight cuts." For roughing out material, the cuts could be "straight" in say X or Y axis, but they would obviously need to follow the relief of the 3D form in the Z axis.

And lastly you mention , "I've seen this done in videos, and I think it was with a 5 axis machine.". Yes, here´s one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GQmgyviNRU  , a Chinese machine, which interestingly combines a disc AND a milling tool in the same tool holder.

 Both ALPHACAM (British i think)  and PEGASUS CADCAM (Italian) are stone CAM programs that use discs to rough out. But, we are talking about prohibitive prices.....

I´m investigating if BOBCAD can do this, as a reasonably priced alternative....any user out there happy with it? And also, Rhino+Madcam...both seem under what ALPHACAM  costs.


Offline ger21

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I doubt that BobCAD can do it, and wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
I'm pretty sure that only the very high end programs will be able to do this.

But isn't any tool path ALWAYS  aligned with the tool??

There is no alignment with a typical spindle. You can cut in any direction. With a sawblade, you can only cut in the direction the blade is aligned with.

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Offline Frank1959

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