I just retrofit an Emco PC Turn 50 lathe under Mach 3 with a UB1/UC300ETH interface. I'm using the original index pulse circuit from Emco and I get a very clean square wave about 6ms long at 500 rpm. The index light lights up on the diagnostics screen when I turn the spindle by hand (the lathe diagnostic plugin appears to be incompatible with the UB1). When the spindle is running, the index pulse light comes on erratically but a scope on the signal shows the pulses to be very regular. I can see accurate actual spindle speed and can run feed-per-revolution moves just fine. When I enter a G32 threading command, though, that block of code just hangs with no axis movement.
I've tried setting the debounce time from zero to the default of 100x40us and it doesn't seem to matter. Also, have tried spindle speed averaging both on and off with no change.
Any ideas about where to look for the problem?
Since threading was written for the parallel port, could it STILL be expecting a slow pulse signal of only "1 pulse/rev"?
Art Fenerty said:
"when you consider Mach3 was designed for the printer port, and its
architecture is derived from the treacherous territory of Windows kernel mode, then it
will be understood more easily, why the design architecture, which has evolved over
time, must reflect the original printer port operation in terms of its internal limitations.
This means that the simple fact you are using an external engine does not mean you
will not necessarily have a limitation enforced by the original specifications of the
So I would try to use simple pulse of 1 pulse/rev.