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Author Topic: www.artofcnc.ca  (Read 27889 times)

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« on: August 11, 2007, 03:20:45 PM »
Tryng to go to the web site but page will not load up,when I go to downloads is gives me a welcome to east link.
My turn program is loaded fine now,but want to upgrade my mach3,video tutorials say 5.0 and on this web site will only go to 1.84.
Is there a way to get in becuse I did buy the mach3.



Re: www.artofcnc.ca
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2007, 09:28:09 PM »
this is a link to the latest version of Mach, its version R2.4.0

Re: www.artofcnc.ca
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2007, 10:48:35 PM »

I have R2.0.060.

What are the differences/improvements with R2.4?




Re: www.artofcnc.ca
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2007, 05:32:52 AM »

I have R2.0.060.

What are the differences/improvements with R2.4?

Heres what the revision history says from 2.0.060 to the latest

April 20/2007 Version 2.00.065

    --Changes from Version .060 to .065 are minor, soem GUI changes, and some changes specific to G100
      interfaces. The Spindle delay function was updated however to allow for plugins to properly delay
      prior to swiching off relays. Also the capability of using an L0 in a canned cycle was added , this
      has the effect of making the prepretory move for the canned cycle, but not executing, however, the mode
      is switched to the proper G8x mode for further commands to execute in the canned cycle mode.Also,
      the program will now warn a user if a kernel speed change has occured and any motor is now set too
      fast for that kernel speed.

May 1 2007 Version 2.00.068

     Two new commands

      M61P*********x  sets the debounce interval to the value of P. Each count is approc 40us in debounce.
      M60Pn  This is a wait for OEMTrigger input. If M60P1 is used, then the system will stop
             Processing Gcode lines until OEMTrigger#1 goes active. It is a simple trigger command, if the
             OEMSignal1 is already active, then the line is ignore, but user is warned on status line of the
             ignoring of the command
      OEMLED#172 is now indicating if a file is loaded.

May 14 2007 Version 2.00.070

     Bug fix in G81 where rapid was applied in G98 back up to clearance plane prior to the drill cycle.
     Added Spindle input override to allow OEM DRO #39 to accept a spindle RPM from another device or macro.
     This spindle speed may then be used in calibrations. OEM #39 cannot be sent input unless SpindleInputOverride
     is enabled by Script call SetParam("RPMOverRide",1); From that poinit forward, OEM#39 may be used to set the true
     spindle speed seen by the program.
     Radius compensation repaired for slight offset in X axis during comp.
May 14 2007 Version 2.00.073

     New selection in Config/general for "Home slave with Master. " , this selection turns off autosquaring
of a gantry and keeps the slave engaged during homing. Config/Toolpath "Use Origin sphere" also controls
display of the bounding box.

May 29th 2007 Version 2.00.075

     Fixed two feedhold bugs found in Arc problems. Also, IsStill handling in G100.

June 18th 2007  Version 2.00.078

     Added GetToolParam(SHORT toolnum, SHORT param) for tool parameters. Param numbers are 1 - n
and correspond to the tool window in the mill or turn modes. In turn for example, 1 is TipDia, 2 is Tip Radius..ect..
     Repaired Protocol selection of Modbus protocols.

June 26th 2007  Version 2.00.080

    G68 changes to display in DRO actual location on Gcode part. New shuttle plugin to incrementally jog in G68.

July 25th 2007 v2.03

    Fucntional changes in Compensation.

Aug 1st 2007 V2.4 ( development update)

    Fixes to Plugin variables with SDK. Fix to slave homing selection
    Fix to debounce. Removed probe from debounce code.

Aug 2nd version 2.04

    Added display of Radius comp in white on toolpath when loadin gprograms using G41/G42

Aug 7th Version 2.4

    Rebuild of all current code changes from development side. Display of radius comp, plugin fixes etc.. into the
   release and lockdown build. This version has been found to be very stable. Flash screen is one version behind end
version but is being rebuilt with multiple toolpath capability.
Re: www.artofcnc.ca
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2007, 03:36:00 PM »


Re: www.artofcnc.ca
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2007, 06:39:20 PM »
Thanks Hood for the link.
Todd, the menu at the top of these pages will take you anywhere in the Artsoft site.
artofcnc has not been around for almost 2 years now.
Re: www.artofcnc.ca
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2007, 07:20:43 PM »
My fault but I'm really new and after watching the tutorials,thought I had to go to the other site.
Now back to the tutorials to figuge how to hook my cnc up.

Says settings for mach3 cnc
all port 1

     step     dir
x     3         6
z    16        17
enable 4 actve low
enable 8 x

Any ideals I'll be watching more video tonight,



Re: www.artofcnc.ca
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2007, 02:34:13 AM »
 where are you getting the pin numbers you have quoted? is this in your doccumentation? as I would have expected X Y and Z to use pins 2 to 7 but it could just be the way they have wired your machine up that it needs to use these pins.
Re: www.artofcnc.ca
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2007, 04:10:33 PM »
It is older magnum technology,cnc lathe.
There is a stcker on it witch gave me the pin's and ports.
Another question,is the port and pin set up the same for a mill and a lathe,there is no tutorials for setting up the lathe only the mill.




Re: www.artofcnc.ca
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2007, 05:52:05 PM »
There is a pdf that you can download for Turn but basically yes its the same routine as for the mill.