Hi, I've loaded this code into the Auto tool height button on Mach3 to set the X axis height (I'm using Z Axis for a lathe function, so it has been configured as the X Axis). When it runs it funds zero but then rises to some random height and sets the Axis to Zero (0). I've programmed zero (0) 'plate thickness' and 'retract' distance to exclude these as factors but still the problem persists. Mach3 appears to be finding some other value to apply. The Z Axis version of this works perfectly. I'm using SS via USB on a Syil X5 mill
'Lathe version is testing for X-Axis
CurrentAbsInc = GetOemLED (48) 'Copy current G90/G91 state
CurrentGMode = GetOemDRO (819) 'Copy current G0/G1 state
CurrentFeed = GetOemDRO (818) 'Copy current feedrate
Contact = 0 'Clear the contact flag
PlateThickness = 0.0 'Touch Plate thickness is set here
ProbeFeed = 40 'Probing feedrate is set here
SetVar (1, -15) 'Maximum probing distance is set here
SetVar (2, 0) 'Retract height is set here
Code "M5" 'Ensures spindle is not running
Code "G21" 'Ensure metric units are used
Xs = GetOemDRO (59) 'Copy current X-Scale DRO
Call SetOemDRO (59,1) 'Set X-Scale DRO to 1
Label1: 'Entry point for Retry
DoOemButton (1008) 'Zero X-Axis DRO
Code "(Setting Tool Zero)" 'Message for status bar
While IsMoving () 'Wait until task has been completed
If GetOemLED (825) = 0 Then 'Check to see if touch plate is already grounded
Code "G90 G31 X #1 F" & ProbeFeed 'Probing move
While IsMoving () 'Wait until task has been completed
If GetOemLED (825) = True Then 'Check to see if probe has touched plate
Contact = 1 'Set the contact flag
End If
ProbePos = GetVar (2000) 'Exact point probe touched
Code "G0 X" & ProbePos 'Go back to exact point of touch if there was any overrun
While IsMoving () 'Wait until task has been completed
Call SetOemDRO (2,PlateThickness) 'Set X-Axis DRO to Touch Plate thickness
Code "G0 X #2" 'Retract off Touch Plate the set distance
While IsMoving () 'Wait until task has been completed
Code "(X-Axis is now Zeroed.)" 'Message for status bar
Code "F" & CurrentFeed 'Restore feedrate to original setting
If Contact = 0 Then 'Probe reached max travel without touching
Code "(ERROR - Probe did not touch.)" 'Message for status bar
Response = MsgBox ("ERROR - Probe did not touch.",37,"Auto Tool Zero")
If (Response = 4) Then 'User chose Retry
GoTo Label1 'Retry Probing routine
End If
End If
Code "(ERROR - Touch Plate is grounded.)" 'Message for status bar
Response = MsgBox ("ERROR - Touch Plate is grounded.",16,"Auto Tool Zero")
End If
Call SetOemDRO (59,Xs) 'Restore X-Scale DRO to original setting
If CurrentAbsInc = 0 Then 'If G91 was in effect before then return to it
Code "G91"
End If
If CurrentGMode = 0 Then 'If G0 was in effect before then return to it
Code "G0"
End If