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Author Topic: Beta Testing Reports  (Read 56119 times)

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Re: Beta Testing Reports
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2007, 10:19:48 AM »
Got mine yesterday, work fine.

Started the 3d test this morning with a 250 000 small segments line program. The first show the same performance as the Grex, slow and jerky, second test, we raised the look ahead to 200 lines and it not change so much but a little better..

Does the CV settings affect the performance as much as the parallel port set-up??

But the unit seems to be reliable, i'm running windows, web, email, 3d programming stuff etc... while the unit is running!!!

More testing to come...


Offline ART

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Re: Beta Testing Reports
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2007, 11:20:08 AM »

 Thanks for the report. There shoudl really be no difference from a printer port. The ss doesnt suffer form any lack of transfer. Make sure the Setttings page has CV angle and CV distance turned off, inadvertanlty the install turns them on and CV will suffer..

 If you can, zip your file and send it to me so I can test here as well, we wont tolerate any 3d segmentation issues in the end, because in theory
the SS should be as capable as the printer port in all programs..

Re: Beta Testing Reports
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2007, 12:04:43 PM »
Well, the CV angle and CV distance are turned on, i will run the file again!!
It's a five hour file!!

I sent it to you by email in zip.

Re: Beta Testing Reports
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2007, 05:27:19 PM »
I have run a VCarve Pro file with lots of small segments and it is very smooth. Originally it struggled with G00 and G01 with a delay between them (same on PP but a shorter delay).

Art has fixed the delays in but systems in Mach3 2.62

The video at


shows the code on PP and SS with and without the delay. It is streaming but being full motion at 24 frames per second so you can judge the motion takes a whlle to download - whole thing is 512 Megabyte. You need sound to hear the machine in action.

I have since doubled speeds but not yet videoed it.

John Prentice

Re: Beta Testing Reports
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2017, 07:43:11 PM »
A nice to have would be a way to change the FRO rate for each position of the outer wheel. from 0-7 positions i currently have 0=0% 1=2%,3=4.2%,4=20%,5=100%,6=200%,7=420%. the high percentage especially anything over 100% is not usable In my case, can we adjust the percentage values ??