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Author Topic: Two issues... really slow and not starting carving at 0,0  (Read 1980 times)

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Two issues... really slow and not starting carving at 0,0
« on: April 19, 2017, 12:32:39 PM »
Hi All

I have a Chinese origin machine, to get it operational I have re-wired the whole system, replaced a number of components and setup things from scratch.

I have no configuration information from the supplier, nor specifications of things like the ballscrews etc.  
Despite this I've managed to get it working to a point, the issues still remaining are:

1. Whilst I have setup MACH3, and the system moves at a reasonable speed, when I send a simple g-code file the system moves at very slow rate.
2. I am missing how to specify where the job starts, (the job shows in the display table in the wrong spot, no matter how I change the output from Aspire)

I'm sure i've missed something basic, any guidance would be appreciated.

Re: Two issues... really slow and not starting carving at 0,0
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2017, 03:52:43 PM »
Not really enough information to diagnose.  I have aspire so I will take a quick stab at possible solutions.  In aspire you designate where the job coordinates are 0,0.  That could be center, lower left, upper left,lower right or upper right.  In your tool path definition you define your speeds and when you save to file you choose which post processor to use.  Since you used the word whilst I assume you are using the Mach2/3 Arcs(mm).  Make sure that you are consistent with regards to defining things in mm's or in's.

When you want to run the gcode from aspire you jog or MDI code to where you want your 0,0 to be and then zero out each x and y Dro.

As to the speed issue, check to see if you are in G20(inch) or G21(mm).  zero your DRO's and enter an mdi command of g1 x6 f60.  It should take 10 seconds to complete that move and it should move either 6mm or 6 in depending on your G20/21 mode.  If the rate and distance are correct then it is most likely your Aspire setups that are incorrect.  If either the distance or time is off then it is your Mach setup.



Re: Two issues... really slow and not starting carving at 0,0
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2017, 12:21:40 PM »

Thanks I'll work through this over the weekend.

Much appreciated.