No matter what I try, I cannot get Mach3 to see my USBSS plugins.
I know to reset device selection.
I cant seem to get the USBSS executable plugin (explosion icon) to show up when I extract the zipped USBSS file. No matter which USBSS plugin version I try.
I can extract the file to the plugins directory, but then I don't get the executable M3P file that has the "explosion" for the icon. I just cant find that file so that I can click on it to install.
Why can I not see this M3P file when I extract?
I had to do a reinstall of everything, and although my lathe was working great with M3 Ver 3.043.046 and the V17FD plugin, not I cant get the plugin loaded again. When I look under plugin-control, I dont get ANY options of SS plugins.
I am in serious need of help, and I hope you have some thoughts to share.