Does check (Config. / General Config.) "Ignore M calls while loading" resolve this issue ?
I tested that and it still has the same error. attaching a copy of the code here.. I tried redoing the cam from scratch (needed to make a few design changes any way) and it is still giving me the same error on load.
system information:
Latest version of Mach3
ESS Smooth Stepper
latest version of MachSTDMill
I am using camworks and it has worked flawlessly for years now and I have not changed anything since the last known good run. again I think it may be related to the lead in move but not sure as it didn't seem to fix even when i removed the lead in all together. very confused.
while i'm at it, I wonder if any of my other settings should be different then what they are? I am attaching a screen shot of my general config page. I have noticed that the machine seems a bit jerky where it wasn't before adding the smoothstepper 6 months ago.. it used to have really nice motion using adaptive clearing and now it seems significantly less smooth.. wondering if maybe some settings are off. I am running in constant velocity mode and for my post processor I use absolute except when using IJ Mode then it is incremental.
Any thoughts?