Hi I have the following material to build a medium to heavy duty CNC machine.
3 Servo-Motors (drives integrated) Danfoss ISD401. 400Vdc, 10Nm, 600 RPM
3 used Nema 23 stepper motors (not in very good shape, I bought at a junk yard and it was all rust, I cleaned with a circular steel brush)
1 WEQ CFW 10 frequency inverter 220 Vac 0- 300 Hz (for a future tool change system )
1 Siemens Micromaster 420 frequency inverter. 0 - 730 hz (for spindle control )
1 ECODRIVER Indramat DKC 1.1-030-3 Drive controllers (it s probably not compatible to my servo motors, and as far as I could Understand when I read the manual, it is a single axis module.. I would need another 2 to control X-Y-Z Axis.. So I will probably sell and use the money to buy the remaining parts..
3 Pneumatic linear actuator 30mm course, and 3 selenoid valves.. ( probably use to develop the tool change system , or a system to lock and hold the sheets or material to the gantry table ..
12 mm High grade Aluminum sheets and mechanical parts (flanges, bearings, rails , linear guides , aluminum extrusions etc..
i would like to ask you guys for advice on how to setup this parts in the best way possible and low cost. What kind of interface i could use to connect these servo-motors to my computer and run it with mach3 (or any other better way) for the application on a 3 Axis CNC Machine.
tank you