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Author Topic: Jog A axis from KB, and Zero A axis from Program Run page  (Read 2047 times)

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Offline rcaffin

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Jog A axis from KB, and Zero A axis from Program Run page
« on: January 23, 2015, 07:01:13 AM »
Two questions about the A axis controls (stock 1024.set screen)

Is there a (pair of) keys to jog the A axis back and forth on the Program Run page? I am sure there ougjht to be, but I can't find it .

I can zero the A axis DRO on/via the MDI screen, but in the Program Run screen the Zero 4 button does nothing. How to activate?

I am sure this has been discussed and explained before, but i cannot find it.
Re: Jog A axis from KB, and Zero A axis from Program Run page
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2015, 07:41:15 AM »
Go to Config/System Hotkeys to assign two keyboard keys  I use < and >, or hit TAB and use the ones on the pop up pendant.

Maybe you were viewing Machine coords at one time when zeroing A ? ? ? That would show no response.
Open the screen w/Screen4 and check that both buttons are set the same. (attached)

Offline rcaffin

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Re: Jog A axis from KB, and Zero A axis from Program Run page
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2015, 07:10:38 PM »
Hi Russ

Thanks for the reply. I will 'explain' that it was approaching 40 C in the workshop, so perhaps my brain was not really at 100% at the time.

Is there a (pair of) keys to jog the A axis back and forth on the Program Run page?
Yeah, easy. The pendant uses 'a' and 's', so I had to match those.
Can the pendant code be altered? Dunno, probably not. But it only cost $24 from China and seems to work reasonably well.

I can zero the A axis DRO on/via the MDI screen, but in the Program Run screen the Zero 4 button does nothing.
Opened up 1024.set and edited the buttons. Also changed the text on the button from 'Zero 4' to 'Zero A' while I was at it (in jpg editor).

Oh well, maybe this might help someone else one day.
