Ok, may end up doing this: Order a ESS (Ethernet smooth stepper) breakout board, hook that up to my self built computer (I have 3 and I always build them to be super fast and durable) and see if this will solve my issues. I have learned that a win 7 64 will not run a PP emulator expansion board and that the drive test program wont work with it either. The PC I have been using is good, slow but good and I am sick on being locked into a parallel port trap. ARTSOFT and Gecko need to cozy up and make a controller that runs of ethernet or USB and make it run for win 8 on down instead of locking people into limited options like so many others do. If they can build a break out board to do this then you can build a controller with this built in and the software writers can write the code into the controller and the mach system and even send out an update.
As it is they are losing out on optional sales since others are building this stuff and making money on it.
Seriously...It's time
I lik the g540. lets make it better folks!