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Author Topic: Touch probe?  (Read 7377 times)

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Touch probe?
« on: November 16, 2014, 07:53:00 PM »
Hi i purchased a touch probe from http://www.craftycnc.com/ and I am having some issues with it working.
I been emailing back and forth with Eric with my issues and he is been real helpful trying to trouble shoot my problems.

Has anyone used one of the touch probes with a g540 gecko drive?

I have went tru the set up a couple times and still can not get it to work.

I Have 1 wire going to ground at the power supply and 1 wire going to the terminal 4 on the G540 drive.

Ports and pins.

Active low not checked

Digitize always stays on even when moving probe tip.

Probe active stays on.

Chnaged ports and pins Active low checked

No digitize light

Probe Inactive.

Moving the probe tip does not make any differance on digitize or probe active leds.

Using a multimeter,I get oms with probe sitting there and open when probe is moved side to side.

Re: Touch probe?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2014, 10:24:15 AM »
The G540 input #4 is already pulled up with an internal pullup resistor. This means that Pin 13 port 1 in Mach3 will be high with no connection to the G540 input and low when the input is connected to ground.
When you connect the probe between Input#4 (G540) and ground, the Pin 13 port 1 input will go low. When the probe is activated, it will go back high showing the circuit is open.

Your screen prints show the correct settings but also show that the circuit is open (i.e. not being closed by the probe in its static position)

I suspect that your ground connection is not correct. You said the ground on the power supply.... Is this the same ground that is connected to the G540? It must be.

A separate subject is that you probably want all your grounds connected in a star configuration, however, for now, it is important that the probe ground connects directly to the ground on the G540 (pin 12 on the G540).

If this is not the cause of your issue, then there is a problem with your connections of the probe or the probe itself. To check the probe when not connected, the Ohm meter should read zero between the probe wires when the probe is static and infinite when the probe tip is displaced.

Re: Touch probe?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2014, 01:56:02 PM »
Thanks Graham I will try moving the ground to pin 12.
Re: Touch probe?
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2014, 03:38:54 PM »
Didn't work but i think I might have my mill wired up wrong.
Going to build a bigger cabinet and start over.

Re: Touch probe?
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2014, 06:09:52 PM »
Not sure if it will help, but here is the schematic for my small CNC mill with G540


Didn't work but i think I might have my mill wired up wrong.
Going to build a bigger cabinet and start over.

Re: Touch probe?
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2014, 10:09:10 PM »
Thanks I think I noticed a few things wired different. I will post a schematic of my wiring when I get them drawn tomorrow.

I have a extra power supply and g540 I am going to mount it in a computer case tomorrow and see if i can figure this out.

Don't want to unwire my working setup till i figure this out. All i have is limit switches wired to it but it doesn't look anywheres close to wiring diagram you posted.
Re: Touch probe?
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2014, 08:13:25 PM »
Never did do the drawing but did get a new control case built.
The wiring looks a lot different that what i originally had.

I did get the probe to activate now buy using input 3 and running the other wire to terminal 12.

Graham thanks again for your diagram it really helped me redo my case.