hello everyone!
I have problems configuring mach3 or maybe, on my LPT ports.
I tried mach3 version 1.84 and ver.2.0 downloaded from official site.
I have x and y axis working perfectly, but z axis doesn't.
axis A doesn't work too.
Pins for output for that axis are 7-6 and 9-8.
In the diagnostic panel I see the pins 9-8-7-6 of the LPT light Green.
PINS 2-3-4-5 are grey instead.
I tried to assign an output to pins 9 and 7, and then set them for the spindle, and they work correctly.
I get a step on the motors every time i switch on and off the spindle.
So mach uses correctly that pins, but can't as motor ouputs.
Step pulse are 25 and 6 for the signals.
Could someone suggest me something?
The driver test is OK and the same breakoutboard is working perferctly driving all motors with EMC2 and Ninos UPA.
Thanks in advance