I have just encountered a wierd issue, I think I have solved it but I wanted to make sure that I have and that it wont appear suddenly when it would be a ver bad thing. I was running my spindle warmup and I heard the spindle shutting down and restarting over and over again. When I checked the diagnostic screen I saw MACH3 was turing the output which controles the spindle on and off. I also noticed that the DWELL was active on my main screen and it should not have been. I checked my motor tuning settings and noticed that the settings for the spindle motor were set at the settings recomended by CNC4PC for the breakout board I am using. which needs the 35K kernel to actually run. So in order to obtain the 10V out with the lower Kernel speed I have my system set to because of other issues I need to set my Step pulse to 6. I have two questions, (ONE) is the step pulse width going to cause any issues with my stepper drives? I dont think so but I am not an expert, and secondly would having the spindle motor velocity out of bounds for the current kernel cause the spindle output to cycle on and off?