I am using Mach3 under W7. And there are some problems about my software. I am using capacitive THC. And I installed a cnc machine with mach3 before this. It isnt my first or second time.
When I am trying to load g-code file. Path Generation windows is opening but not loading. If I close this windows and try to start nothing happens. After I restart the Mach3 g-code is loading nicely and after I click the start button machine is moving to part's start point and firing the torch with m3 command. After m3 command nothing happening just waiting. ANd after this If i press the feed hold and start again sometimes machine starting to cut, sometimes nothing happens.
Some times X axis moving to wrong way so slowly. Sometimes I am taking error like application defined or object defined error. After at the line m03, when at a command line like g02 x.. y.. i am taking this error.
And sometimes I am taking error like"probe ignore activated at call for probe"..
There are so much errors and bugs. What am i skipping??
I am gonna be crazy.. All cables is shielded and shields are connected to ground correctly. I think it isnt about interference. Everything is looking ok for hardware I am sure about there is a software error. What am I skipping? I need to cut, I havent got more time. Please help.
Thank you so much and sorry about my bad english.