I have a router made by Vision, with a Series II controller. The controller as it sits now only accepts HPGL from a proprietary software supplied by Vision. (I have it, but I don't like it - I want to do 3D work, so I'm attempting to retrofit it to work with Mach3.)
I've opened up the controller and isolated all the inputs / outputs that I need, except for the limit switches. The steppers are driven by IM483 boards, which are quite well documented and I'm not finding many particular issues there. I'll take STEP / DIR from each of the 4 to pins on a new DB25 connector that I'm adding to the housing, while leaving +5V connected to the existing controller. I'm not bothering with a BOB here, as the drivers are fully opto-isolated, and they're still being powered by the PSU inside the controller.
Now the question I have about the drivers is the ENABLE pin. It's currently being driven by the controller. Should I leave it there, or connect it to the DB25 and drive it through Mach? I'm guessing that this will kill the steppers when the E-stop is active?
Next question: the E-stop itself. The controller has a 2-wire e-stop. I'd like to keep it connected to the controller, as that will still be powering my spindle(s), dust collector, steppers, etc. Can I simply take a tap off one leg of the e-stop wire (probably the black one) and run that to one of the input pins, and set that one as active-high in Mach3? I guess the same question applies for the limit switches ...